zondag 17 maart 2013

Chapter 49

This will be the last chapter guys, cause I'm ending this fanfic.
Don't worry, cause I'm already writing a new one!
I just want to say thanks to all of you for reading, I never expected to get so many positive reactions from you guys!
It just started as a bit off fun because I was bored at my grandparents. Anyway I hope you enjoy this last (short) chapter.
*Big hug*


*one year later*
Eve's POV

Life was perfect. Just perfect I thought as I picked up our seven months old baby boy to bring him to bed. "Gaz I'm taking Jacob to bed, I'll be right back!" I said as I wandered up the stairs. There was no answer, Gary was watching some kind of show on the telly. Must be interesting then... I laid Jacob down in his little bed and pulled some covers over him. He was already asleep. Bless him, he was a good sleeper. "He looks so cute..." Gary suddenly whispered in my ear moving his arms around my stomach from behind. "He looks like you, that'll explain it." I giggled as I turned around facing him. "No no he looks definitely more like you!" He smiled and pulled me behind him down the stairs. We cuddled up on the sofa and Gary gave me a glass of red whine. "This one's nice..." I smiled. "You know when we first met..." Gary begun. "Mmh?" I placed the glass on the table again and laid my head on his chest. "I could imagine all this..." he mumbled in my hair. "Really?" "Oh yes..." he smiled. "I think it's still a bit unreal actually..." I murmured. "No it's not, it's perfect.." he lifted my head with his hands and kissed me softly. I moved my hand to the side of his face striking his little stubble as he deepened the kiss.  "I love you... " he whispered as he pulled away. "I love you too..."

"Come on let's go to bed..." he pulled me up from the sofa and turned off the lights as I made my way upstairs. He was right, it was perfect. Gary was perfect, and Jacob was another blessing. Mum and dad would have been so proud I thought as I slipped under the covers. I missed them sometimes. They never had the chance to meet Gary or hold Jacob in their arms. I wish they could. "What's wrong?" Gary asked as he laid down beside me. "I was just thinking about my parents." "Awh hey come ere" he pulled me in his chest holding me tight as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "They're still here... they're watching us. Don't worry." He mumbled. I smiled. Why did he always managed to say the right thing? "I know... it's just-" "shh don't think about it. As long as we're happy they're are happy mh? And we'll always be happy, because you're perfect and Jacob is perfect. And there's nothing standing in our way." "Thanks..." I smiled as I pulled the duvets further over my head. "You forgot one thing though..." I whispered as I was almost asleep. "What's that?" "You're perfect..."

vrijdag 15 maart 2013

Chapter 48

*Eve's POV*

Sure why not? I'm marrying Gary tonight, without me knowing anything about it he arranged this party and stuff. And oh god. Why didn't he tell me?! How long did he keep this secret? And how could everybody know about it except for me!? I still sat on the sofa with the white box on my lap. He even got me a dress! The basterd. I opened the box and took the dress out. It was beautiful,  completely my taste, how the fuck did he knew?! Just as I wanted to try it on my phone buzzed. Message from Stephanie, my best friend who I haven't seen in ages!

*what do you think of ur dress?? Xxx*

Oh! She.. I knew it I knew it! Gary couldn't just have bought it himself.

*it's absolutely wonderful!! Xx*

*four hours later*

"Do you, Evelyn Catherine Morgan,  take Gary Barlow to be your lawful  wedded husband?"
I had tears in my eyes as looked up at Gary, who looked stunning in his black three piece suit. He smiled as he wiped away a tear with his thumb.
"I do."
"Then I pronounce you as husband and wife."
All our guests started clapping and screaming as Gary took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I swung my arms around his neck and smiled, this was the most perfect moment of my life.

"Is there any cake left?" Rob asked me as he couldn't find it on the table. I spun around and faced him. " I would like some more before I'm going to my room in a minute..." "I-I don't know, there still was something a few minutes ago bu- GARY!" I screamed. He looked up with those innocent puppy dog eyes like he didn't knew anything about it. "You sneak!" I giggled grabbing the cake out of his hands and handing it to Rob. "Thanks love." He whispered and walked back to the few guests that were still here, leaving Gary and me alone. "That was my cake! You just stole my cake! I didn't even get the chance to fini-" I cut him off kissing him hard. He moaned as he moved his hands around my back sliding them down onto my bum. He spun me around and pushed me out of the room to the hallway of the hotel. "Get into the elevator." He groaned as he unzipped my evening dress from behind.  "Gary we ca-" "just do it." He hissed pushing me against the doors. I pressed the button quickly and almost fell on my back as the doors went open. Gary walked me back against the side of the elevator and the doors closed. "We can't do this here... what if someone  comes in?" "Don't think about that." He started kissing my neck as I stepped out of my dress leaving it somewhere on the floor. Gary pressed his crotch against mine makes me groan,  fuck he was hard. "Legs around my waist" he whispered as he continued sucking my neck. I did what he told and he quickly pulled his trousers and boxers down, kicking them off. "Are you really going to fuck me for the first time since we're married in an elevator?" I giggled as he pressed his tip against my entrance.  "Mmh yeah and then in bed followed by the shower and in the taxi back home..." he moaned  before slamming his length inside me. "G-gary! Fuck!" I screamed as he kept thrusting inside me hard,  never slowing down. He  sucked on my pulse points and his hand was tangled I my hair as held me up with his other. "Gary..." I moaned leaning my head against the wall. Fuck what was he doing to me!? He suddenly stopped. "Mm Gary go on!" I cried as I was on the edge of my orgasm. He smirked down on me and slammed his length back inside me again. "Arghh..." I bit down on my lip keeping myself from screaming. "Uhh fuck Eve... mmh" he whimpered as he spilled his warmth inside me. He kept circling his hips till we were both fully spent. "Oh god..." he sighed pulling out of me and resting his hot body against mine... *ding* fuck! Fuck! fuck! We stared in each others eyes scared of the person who was behind the doors that slowly opened. "O God! Man not again!" Robbie looked at us disgusted holding his hand for his eyes. "I'll take the stairs!" He giggled and rushed away. The doors closed again.  We bursted out in laughter. "The look on his face haha!" "Gary it's not funny! Poor Rob." I giggled slamming him playfully on his chest. "That was the second time hahaha!"

dinsdag 12 maart 2013

Chapter 47

*4 months later- july *

*Gary's POV*

"Guys where is me pants?..." I shouted as I walked down the stairs of our stage. Yes, tonight it was our stage. With our fans. And our songs. Wembley. I loved Wembley,  the atmosphere was incredible but right now I could slam everyone in the face. I was angry, where in God's earth was my pants? If this is some kind of stupid joke from the lads it's not funny. I rushed back to the changing room, hoping it will be there. But of course... it wasn't.

"Mark's POV"

"Ehup where's Gary? Did anyone see our captain?" A laughter filled the stadium as we looked around. "I think he's lost somewhere guys..." "yeah what do we do now?" "Let's get the party started now mr.B isn't here yet... what do you guys think...?" The audience went mental... we could have some fun with this... "you can do what you like..." "DO WHAT YOU LIKE!"

"Silence please cause I've got something to say..."

"Eh there's our captain. What took ya so long Gaz?"

*Gary's POV*

"Well it seemed someone stole my pants... backstage..." I frowned my eyebrows and looked at Mark first, knowing he could be the one behind this. He just laughed at me. "Well did you find it then?"
"No I didn't...But I found something else in one of our bags...I believe it was Rob's...." his faced turned to me immediately, surprised.  Not knowing what was about to happen.  "Since when did you started to collect all of our trousers mate?" I stood up behind the piano and walked towards the lads. The audience screamed louder than ever when they noticed I had my clown trousers on that we used during our circus tour. Rob went red. Bright red.
"Now I thought we could relive some memories from our last tour... since Rob wasn't there...

As I walked to the dressing room I was boiling. The blood rushed through my veins and my clothes were sticked to my body. The show was incredible, such a shame it was our last one. I could do a few more to be honest. It was like the old days again. I opened the door and was greeted by some people from behind the scenes who were cheering and screaming.
This after party was going to be good, I thought. Eve was standing between them as well. I smiled while I grabbed her wrist and took her to my private room. "You were amazing tonight!" She said excited. "That clown custume.. you should have seen the look on people's faces!  There were going mental Gaz!"
I lauhed "I know.. I know.. little surprise for the last show hm?" "Such a shame that it's already over, I enjoyed the shows..." "yeah me too. But we can finally get married now mh?" I said as I pulled her in my lap kissing her cheek. "What about tonight?" She turned around surprised, "tonight!? Gary I'm 4 months pregnant I'll look fat" "So what... you want to wait another 5/6 months then?"  I grinned as Mark suddenly opened the door. "Ey you two lovebirds, getting ready for the big night?" He smiled as he pulled his sweaty shirt over his head. Eve looked at me and frowned her eyebrows. "Gary... don't tell me you a-" I cut her off, pressing my finger against her lips. "Shhh. Just put this on for tonight yeah?" I grabbed a box from behind the sofa and gave it to Eve before standing up and leaving the room. "G-gary!" She screamed just before I closed the door. "No talking sweetheart!"
This was going to be a good night...

maandag 11 maart 2013

Chapter 46

*Gary's POV*

"Here you go.." Eve placed my chocolate ice cream infront of me and sat down. I should really watch out with those ice creams cause I'm on the tour diet. It's horrible, but thankfully I have enough willpower to stick with it. This ice cream looked bloody delicious though. I took a piece of it. "Mmmh" I closed my eyes by the taste of chocolate. I smiled, just what I needed. "See? Told you..." Eve brought me back to reality. "Mm? Told me what?" "That you would like it." She laughed. "You already forgot?" "Yeah I'm in heaven now..." I answered as I took another spoon. "You know Rob told me to make sure you put on some weight..." What?! I almost chocked. I put my spoon down and looked staight at Eve. "He said that?!" She just laughed, was she laughing because of my question or just about the whole thing?  "Yeah he did. I think he's just jealous though..." 

She finished her dessert and placed the empty bowl on the middle of the table, her eyes sticked to mine. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. "His problem. Although i have to run a few rounds for this ice cream." I sighed placing my hands on my stomach. "Oh really?" She said looking at me with flirty eyes. "Yeah... or did you had something else in mind?" I sighed as I bend forward grabbing her hands in mine. "I had a few ideas..." she smiled biting down on her bottom lip. "Don't. Do. That..." "what?! This?" She did it again.  God why did she have to do that?  She fucking knew it turned me on big time. "In that case let's go hm?" I stood up pulling Eve behind me. "You didn't even p-" "now I did." I grinned as I dropped some notes on our table.

"You're horrible!" She giggled as we walked over the road back to our mansion. It was an half an hour walk back, but the view was nice. "You love it." I smirked back. "Oh! How do you know Barlow?" "The look on your face sais it all." I smiled pressing the side of my forehead against hers. "You know when I asked you about that test..." her hand tense immediately in mine when I said the word 'test'. I stood still and looked at her. "Eve is there something you aren't telling me?" Her eyes looked down on the road, I knew it! She's hiding something from me!

*Eve's POV*

Oh why does he need to ask that question?! What the hell am I supposed to say now? "I erm..." "Eve tell me... Now." He raised my chin with his fingers looking me straight in the eyes. "There's nothing. I'm just surprised that you're asking all those questions. Why do you?" I asked bluntly.  Maybe this was a good way, turn the question back. He sighed and grabbed my hand again as we walked further. "I just want to start a family with you Eve. I love you, more than anyone. And it just feels right." Why was he doing this to me? I couldn't hold it back till the tour started could I? It wasn't even fair... "Gary I did take a test..." I whispered. He stopped again, and turned around facing me. "W-well what d..did it say?..." I moved my hands around his neck and pressed my lips against his ear. "I'm pregnant..." I smiled. He pulled me away holding his arms around my lower back, I saw a twinkle in his eyes. "You sure!?" He asked excited raising his eyebrows up and down as if they were dancing. I nodded. "Yes I'm sure.." a huge smile appeared on his face. He suddenly picked me up and spun me around in the air. "GARY!!" I held on tight being the coward that I was, afraid that he might drop me. He placed me down again and pressed his forehead against mine. "You don't know how happy I am right now!" He smiled before he kissed me tenderly. 

Chapter 45

*Three weeks later-March*

*Eve's POV*

Rob and Gary were getting along again. Thankfully Rob was fired out the hospital soon after he was brought in. He wasn't that bad and they could easily remove all the pills out of his system. I was happy for him and for Gary. Rehearsals for the next tour were around the corner and would start next week. This was our final week here in LA, we would leave the sun and go back to rainy London. I was happy to go back home, but on the other hand it was great here in LA. No one bothered you and you could walk through the streets without someone recognizing you. 

''Eve? you're coming?'' ''Yeah one minute!'' We were about to go out for dinner, something we hadn't done for a while, despite the fact that we're here. We mostly ordered chinese or something, or cooked something simple ourselves. But tonight it was different, one of those final nights. Gary wanted to make it special for whatever reason he had. I didn't argue with him, it wouldn't make a difference, so I decided to dress up nice for this evening. This little burgundy coloured dress would do fine I thought as I looked in the mirror for one last time. I grabbed my little handback and walked downstairs, Gary was waiting for me in the hallway, his eyes followed me till I stood still next to him. ''You look amazing.'' he mumbled against my ear before he kissed my temple. 

*Gary's POV*

I finished my main course and watched Eve finish hers. Should I ask her? No let's just wait till they take away our plates I thought as I took another sip of my red whine. I don't know why but lately I had this strong feeling of wanting a baby. After her miscarriage I felt devastated, like I lost something that was so close. It was ofcourse, but I never felt that way before. I swallowed and looked back up at Eve. She smiled, why was she so gorgeous when she smiled? What if she didn't want a baby though? What would I do? Oh come on Barlow don't think about that! Just tell her. ''Eve?'' ''Yes?'' she stared at me waiting for my question. Should I really ask her? Oh come on! ''Did you already do a test?'' Her eyes widened, and she raised her eyebrows. Oh great, I fucked it up. Ofcourse she was not waiting for this question, now I've ruined our night, fucking well done Barlow. ''I emm... never mind...''  I said quickly before she could even answer. It wasn't going to be a positve answer so let's forget about it ok? ''You want a dessert?'' I smiled. She looked at me awkward, Oh messed it up big time! ''Gary, act normal! relax!'' she laughed. ''I didn't take a test...'' ''Why not?'' I asked bluntly. ''Because I don't feel sick or dizzy or pregnant at all...'' She grabbed the dessert card from the table next to ours and looked at it like I never asked anything at all. ''But we didn't used any protection since we're here...'' ''so?...'' ''Well I thought.. you know, that night you felt dizzy and stuf...'' ''That was only once Gary. Don't worry.'' She laid her hand on mine and smiled at me. Oh no she said ''don't worry.'' She doesn't think that I don't want a baby does she? 

*Eve's POV*

He's got no idea. He really doesn't. It was so hard not to laugh but I managed to keep it in. Ofcourse I did a test, and ofcourse I knew if I was pregnant or not. Not that I was about to tell him though. I noticed Gary wanted a baby since we came here, and I didn't want to tell him yet. Because I was pregnant, three weeks. Thank God I didn't have morning sickness yet, otherwise he would've noticed. ''I think I'll take the strawberry icecream... you?'' I asked him as I placed the dessert card on the table again. ''I'll pass...'' 'he mumbled. ''Oh Gary come on! Cheer up! I will get you one with chocolate yeah?'' I grabbed his card out of his hands and walked towards the bar. 

*Gary's POV*

Why is she so happy? I don't understand, woman I guess... I watched her walking to the bar ordering our desserts. Something is not right... I could feel it. 

zondag 10 maart 2013

Chapter 44

"Now are you going to tell me what he said or not?" Gary whispered as his face was millimetres away from mine. He had pushed me against the wall in the rather big changing room and rested his hands either side of my face against the wall. I was curious what his next action would be and looked him in the eyes. They hypnotised me with their deep green colour and showed a kind of lust. "Tell me Eve..." he mumbled against my skin as he dropped kisses from my cheek to my neck. It was such a turn on but I promised myself to not give in. He placed one hand on my face while he rested the other on my hip as he hovered his lips over mine. "Tell me..." he kissed me hard suddenly causing me goosebumps all over my body. He moved his hand through my hair as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. God why did he do this? Every second I felt myself wanting him more and more. He continued kissing me passionately pressing me harder against the wall. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and kissed him back, I couldn't resist him any longer.  As he pulled away we were both out of breath. "Let's go home eh?" He whispered as he took a step back.  Oh no! Now you're getting it Barlow.  I placed my hands on both sides of his waist and pulled him back against me while I kissed him again. He smiled in the kiss and tugged on my shirt willing it to go off. He moved away and quickly pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my jeans and bra. He started kissing my neck, leaving love bites all over as I started unbuttoning his denim shirt. As I reached the final button he moved his arms away from my waist and threw it off him while he continued kissing my neck. His hands found their way on my side again moving towards the button of my skinny jeans. I closed my eyes and moved my hands through his already messed up hair as he pulled my jeans down to my knees. I skillfully stepped out of them and kicked them away somewhere across the changing room. I wanted him so bad now, I watched how he got rid of his own jeans and boxers letting his length spring free. Oh fuck, just the sight of his huge length standing straight was enough to convulse on the spot. "Gary..." I moaned as he slowly pulled my knickers down touching my thigh lightly with his fingertips. I kicked them off quickly and moved my legs around his waist. He pressed me hard against the wall, his one hand holding me tight at the bottom of my back while he had his other placed just above my popliteal. I rested my head against the wall as he started kissing my neck again. "Gary.. p-please..." I moaned as he placed his tip against my entrance. "Shh be quiet..." he whispered as he eased himself inside me, filling me completely before he moved out again slowly. "Shit Gary..." I whimpered at the intense feeling that started building in my abdomen.  Gary kept moving in and out of me on a steady pace driving me insane. "Mm Eve come on." He groaned as he fastened his movements. I circled my hips in unison with his thrust making him whimper. "Oh fuck Eve...right there.." he hissed. I grabbed his face kissing him hard on his lips as I felt myself climbing. "Ooh G-garyy..."  I cried out as I let my orgasm take over. He moaned loud in the kiss as he poured his liquids inside me suddenly. He kept thrusting till we were both fully spent. As he stopped I lifted his head up looking him deep In the eyes. He pulled out of me and moved his arms around my neck holding me tight against him. We stood there for a moment in each others arms getting our breaths back. "Let's go home then eh?" He whispered in my ear.

We finished our dinner and snuggled up on the sofa watching some boring movie. I felt myself getting dizzy and rested my head against Gary's chest."you okay?" He mumbled turning his face slightly so he had a better view of mine. "I'm just a bit dizzy..." I said in response, closing my eyes. Gary pushed me off his chest and rested my head on a pillow while he stood up. "I'll get you some water..." he smiled as he headed towards the kitchen. I sighed and rested my hand on my forehead, I wasn't hot luckily. I heard Gary's footsteps getting closer as I pulled myself up and sat up straight. "Here you go..." he handed me a glass of water and and a paracetamol. "Thanks Gaz..." I smiled as I swallowed the pill, urgh... My face turned from a smile to a disgusted look. Gary laughed as he sat down next to me again. He moved one arm around my shoulder and pressed my head firmly against his chest. "Why are you smiling?" I mumbled as I looked up at him. "Oh nothing..." he grinned. "Yes it is! Tell me..." I poked him in his side making him jump. "Oi! Stop that!" He laughed. "Tell me then..." I giggled moving my hand over his stubble. "I thought... maybe..you ehm..." he sighed looking down at me again.  "I'm what?" I stared at him confused. "You're pregnant..."

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Chapter 43

I woke up the next morning, it was already light outside and the curtains were open. I looked down beside me and Gary was gone. I sighed getting out of bed and pulled some clothes on. Gary is probably already downstairs I thought as I walked into the kitchen. But he wasn't there, a little note was lying on the table.

"I'm off to the hospital to chat with Rob. I'll be back soon. Why don't you buy something nice In town? Take the car from the neighbours. Love you, xxx"

Aw, he was so sweet. I noticed Gary's credit card lay under the note. I couldn't just grab it could I? That would be so wrong... but he just said buy something nice... I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted him.

*Gary, are you sure about me using your credit card?  Give Rob a big hug from me. x*

Almost immediately a text came back.

*Hug back, he's doing a lot better. Why don't you come to the hospital, then we'll go to town afterwards?  xxx*

I smiled, that will do it then. I grabbed an apple and the car keys from the neighbours' car before I walked outside. The weather here was so nice. Not to warm, not to cold. Just perfect.
I put my sunhat and glasses on and walked a little bit further down the road untill I reached the neighbours' house. They were gone Gary told me, but we could use everything, if we wanted. I stepped in the white cabriolet and drove off. When I reached the hospital fifteen minutes later I got out and walked towards the entrance.  I was greeted by a small woman. "Hello, can I help you?" "Erm yes, were can I find mr Williams?" I said. She walked behind some kind of desk with papers all over the place.  "I'm sorry what's your name?  Not everyone is allowed to go there..." "mrs Mor-..gan" I stuttered not sure if I should have said mrs Barlow. But we weren't married yet so I thought it would be wrong. "I'm sorry your name is not on the l-" "No, no it's fine. She's my fiancé." Gary smiled as he suddenly walked towards the desk. I blushed as he moved his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "Oh well then you can go in of course,  sorry." She shrugged before walking back into the hall.

I turned around and looked at Gary, he looked gorgeous in that denim shirt above his cream trousers. "You okay?" He smiled as we walked through the hallway. I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder. "I enjoyed last night..." he said as he pulled me tighter against him. I looked up raising my eyebrows. "Really?" I grinned. "Maybe we should do it again..." he whispered in my ear before opening the door on the left... I stood still watching him walking inside the room with a huge smirk on his face. The basterd. I shook my head in disagreement and walked towards Robbie who looked indeed a lot better than yesterday.  "Hey Rob,  you're lookig good." I smiled as I gave him a big hug. "Thanks Eve, I'm feeling great. They better let me go home tomorrow." He laughed as he leaned back against the pillows again.

"So... have you guys.. talked?" I asked curiously.  Robbie smiled. "Yeah we did. I hate him more than ever. So you guys can leave now..." he was looking serious now. What the **? I looked up at Gary who shrugged, then back at Robbie.  "Haha don't look like that, I was only joking you crazy!" He tapped me slightly on my arm as I sighed in relief.  For one moment I thought he was being serious. But then again, was Rob ever serious? Haha. "So you're joining the tour?" I smiled. "Yeah ofcourse! I can't wait, not long before the rehearsals start ain't that right Gaz?" Gary looked up from his phone,  "uh yeah I think next month or so..." he mumbled as he looked down again.
"Ey you already started your diet?" He giggled as he pulled Gary's shirt up. But his faced dropped as he saw his abs. Ofcourse he hoped to see Gary as a cuddly teddy bear underneath that shirt. Haha too bad for him. "You've been working out?" He raised his eyebrows as he kept looking at Gary who put his phone in his back pocket. He smirked looking at me. "It's all her fault!" He said as he stood up to grab some water. Robbie bend over closely to my face. "What are you doing with him? He can't be better looking then I am on tour." He whispered. "Make sure he puts on some weight again."  I laughed pushing him away. "Ha I dunno. Ask him, I'm not doing anythig."

Half an hour later Gary and I walked through a little street in the shopping centre of L.A. He held my hand in his and crossed our fingers as he looked down on me smiling. "What did Rob say about me when I was gone?" "Oh nothing..." I said biting my down on my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing. I wasn't going to tell Gary that I have to make sure he puts some weight on again did I? I preferred him this way. He looked better than ever.  "Oi he did! I can see it! Tell me..." he said as he squeezed my waist.  I jumped up from the sudden feeling. "No I won't tell you, it's nothing really." I smirked. "I don't believe you." He  dragged me in a posh looking shop and turned me around.  "Gary what are you doing?!" I laughed as he pushed me in a changing room.  "Making you answer my question..."