zondag 3 maart 2013

Chapter 41

*two hours later*

We were waiting in the hospital, my head was resting on Gary's shoulder while he held my hands tight softly striking my knuckles. We haven't heard anything yet and I was so worried. Rob couldn't die. Not now,  not because of me. I felt tears coming up behind my eyes and I couldn't help myself from letting a few slip away. I loosened my hand from Gary's grip and wiped away the tears. "Eh you're crying?" Gary whispered. I sniffed looking up at him. "Come here you, he'll be alright..." he said while he pulled me up and placed me in his lap, he moved his right arm firmly around me while he wiped another tear away with his thumb.  "He'll make it..." I couldn't speak anymore, I felt quilty. I rested my head against Gary's chest and closed my eyes.

"Eve? Baby wake up!" Gary whispered in my ear. "Mmh?" "The doctor is coming..." I jumped up immediately and looked into the hallway on the left. I could see the doctors expression on his face and it wasn't good. "Gary he's not looking happy..." Gary didn't respond, I guess he was aware of that too. I moved out of Gary's lap and sat on the seat next to him while the doctor arrived. He stopped in front of us. "Hello, I'm doctor Evans. You're here for mr Williams?" "Yes!" We both said in unison.  I looked at him desperately,  hoping to hear good news.
"Follow me..." he said and walked back into the hallwat again. I looked at Gary who shrugged and grabbed my hand. We walked behind doctor Evans until he suddenly stopped in front of a door. "Be quiet though, he's still very weak." I let out a relieved sigh, thank god he wasn't dead. Gary squeezed my hand slightly and smiled when I looked up at him. "Told you he'll be alright."

We walked inside the room. There was only one bed, placed at the very end near the window. I walked towards Rob, he was pale. Very pale.  But he looked a lot better then when we found him. "Hi Rob..." I whispered as I sat down next to him. But he didn't move or speak although he had his eyes open. They were looking at Gary who sat next to me. It was confusing.  I looked from Gary to Rob and back and decided to stay quiet. "Rob can you hear us?" Gary said while he took hold hold of his hand. Robbie nodded slightly keeping his eyes straight looking at Gary who sighed. Robbie pushed himself up a little,  and rested his back against the pillow so he sat up straight. There was a silence until suddenly a nurse walked in. "He was very lucky. We could clear the poison before it reached too far. Otherwise he wouldn't be laying here right now." She smiled. "Thanks to you Mr Williams is still alive." She checked a few things and wrote something down before she left again.

"Gaz..." Robbie mumbled softly. "Eve..." I looked down at Rob who was trying hard to speak properly.  "Thanks..." he sighed before he closed his eyes again. He fell asleep, and so could I. I was exhausted and my eyes were burning.  "Gaz can we go home?" "Yeah..." he whispered while he was still looking at Rob. I stood up and grabbed my back that was laying on the other side of the room. While I turned around I saw Gary whispering to Rob. He had his face resting next to his ear while he held his hand tight. I tried to listen what he said but I couldn't hear everything.  "I can't loose you Rob, please... you're my best mate man, what would I be wihout you?  I can't live without you... please get better. I'll be back tomorrow yeah?"
I saw a little smile on Rob's face as Gary stood straight. I walked over to them and grabbed Gary's hand. He looked down on me and smiled. "Come on, let's go home..."

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