vrijdag 15 maart 2013

Chapter 48

*Eve's POV*

Sure why not? I'm marrying Gary tonight, without me knowing anything about it he arranged this party and stuff. And oh god. Why didn't he tell me?! How long did he keep this secret? And how could everybody know about it except for me!? I still sat on the sofa with the white box on my lap. He even got me a dress! The basterd. I opened the box and took the dress out. It was beautiful,  completely my taste, how the fuck did he knew?! Just as I wanted to try it on my phone buzzed. Message from Stephanie, my best friend who I haven't seen in ages!

*what do you think of ur dress?? Xxx*

Oh! She.. I knew it I knew it! Gary couldn't just have bought it himself.

*it's absolutely wonderful!! Xx*

*four hours later*

"Do you, Evelyn Catherine Morgan,  take Gary Barlow to be your lawful  wedded husband?"
I had tears in my eyes as looked up at Gary, who looked stunning in his black three piece suit. He smiled as he wiped away a tear with his thumb.
"I do."
"Then I pronounce you as husband and wife."
All our guests started clapping and screaming as Gary took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I swung my arms around his neck and smiled, this was the most perfect moment of my life.

"Is there any cake left?" Rob asked me as he couldn't find it on the table. I spun around and faced him. " I would like some more before I'm going to my room in a minute..." "I-I don't know, there still was something a few minutes ago bu- GARY!" I screamed. He looked up with those innocent puppy dog eyes like he didn't knew anything about it. "You sneak!" I giggled grabbing the cake out of his hands and handing it to Rob. "Thanks love." He whispered and walked back to the few guests that were still here, leaving Gary and me alone. "That was my cake! You just stole my cake! I didn't even get the chance to fini-" I cut him off kissing him hard. He moaned as he moved his hands around my back sliding them down onto my bum. He spun me around and pushed me out of the room to the hallway of the hotel. "Get into the elevator." He groaned as he unzipped my evening dress from behind.  "Gary we ca-" "just do it." He hissed pushing me against the doors. I pressed the button quickly and almost fell on my back as the doors went open. Gary walked me back against the side of the elevator and the doors closed. "We can't do this here... what if someone  comes in?" "Don't think about that." He started kissing my neck as I stepped out of my dress leaving it somewhere on the floor. Gary pressed his crotch against mine makes me groan,  fuck he was hard. "Legs around my waist" he whispered as he continued sucking my neck. I did what he told and he quickly pulled his trousers and boxers down, kicking them off. "Are you really going to fuck me for the first time since we're married in an elevator?" I giggled as he pressed his tip against my entrance.  "Mmh yeah and then in bed followed by the shower and in the taxi back home..." he moaned  before slamming his length inside me. "G-gary! Fuck!" I screamed as he kept thrusting inside me hard,  never slowing down. He  sucked on my pulse points and his hand was tangled I my hair as held me up with his other. "Gary..." I moaned leaning my head against the wall. Fuck what was he doing to me!? He suddenly stopped. "Mm Gary go on!" I cried as I was on the edge of my orgasm. He smirked down on me and slammed his length back inside me again. "Arghh..." I bit down on my lip keeping myself from screaming. "Uhh fuck Eve... mmh" he whimpered as he spilled his warmth inside me. He kept circling his hips till we were both fully spent. "Oh god..." he sighed pulling out of me and resting his hot body against mine... *ding* fuck! Fuck! fuck! We stared in each others eyes scared of the person who was behind the doors that slowly opened. "O God! Man not again!" Robbie looked at us disgusted holding his hand for his eyes. "I'll take the stairs!" He giggled and rushed away. The doors closed again.  We bursted out in laughter. "The look on his face haha!" "Gary it's not funny! Poor Rob." I giggled slamming him playfully on his chest. "That was the second time hahaha!"

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