zondag 17 maart 2013

Chapter 49

This will be the last chapter guys, cause I'm ending this fanfic.
Don't worry, cause I'm already writing a new one!
I just want to say thanks to all of you for reading, I never expected to get so many positive reactions from you guys!
It just started as a bit off fun because I was bored at my grandparents. Anyway I hope you enjoy this last (short) chapter.
*Big hug*


*one year later*
Eve's POV

Life was perfect. Just perfect I thought as I picked up our seven months old baby boy to bring him to bed. "Gaz I'm taking Jacob to bed, I'll be right back!" I said as I wandered up the stairs. There was no answer, Gary was watching some kind of show on the telly. Must be interesting then... I laid Jacob down in his little bed and pulled some covers over him. He was already asleep. Bless him, he was a good sleeper. "He looks so cute..." Gary suddenly whispered in my ear moving his arms around my stomach from behind. "He looks like you, that'll explain it." I giggled as I turned around facing him. "No no he looks definitely more like you!" He smiled and pulled me behind him down the stairs. We cuddled up on the sofa and Gary gave me a glass of red whine. "This one's nice..." I smiled. "You know when we first met..." Gary begun. "Mmh?" I placed the glass on the table again and laid my head on his chest. "I could imagine all this..." he mumbled in my hair. "Really?" "Oh yes..." he smiled. "I think it's still a bit unreal actually..." I murmured. "No it's not, it's perfect.." he lifted my head with his hands and kissed me softly. I moved my hand to the side of his face striking his little stubble as he deepened the kiss.  "I love you... " he whispered as he pulled away. "I love you too..."

"Come on let's go to bed..." he pulled me up from the sofa and turned off the lights as I made my way upstairs. He was right, it was perfect. Gary was perfect, and Jacob was another blessing. Mum and dad would have been so proud I thought as I slipped under the covers. I missed them sometimes. They never had the chance to meet Gary or hold Jacob in their arms. I wish they could. "What's wrong?" Gary asked as he laid down beside me. "I was just thinking about my parents." "Awh hey come ere" he pulled me in his chest holding me tight as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "They're still here... they're watching us. Don't worry." He mumbled. I smiled. Why did he always managed to say the right thing? "I know... it's just-" "shh don't think about it. As long as we're happy they're are happy mh? And we'll always be happy, because you're perfect and Jacob is perfect. And there's nothing standing in our way." "Thanks..." I smiled as I pulled the duvets further over my head. "You forgot one thing though..." I whispered as I was almost asleep. "What's that?" "You're perfect..."

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