zondag 10 maart 2013

Chapter 44

"Now are you going to tell me what he said or not?" Gary whispered as his face was millimetres away from mine. He had pushed me against the wall in the rather big changing room and rested his hands either side of my face against the wall. I was curious what his next action would be and looked him in the eyes. They hypnotised me with their deep green colour and showed a kind of lust. "Tell me Eve..." he mumbled against my skin as he dropped kisses from my cheek to my neck. It was such a turn on but I promised myself to not give in. He placed one hand on my face while he rested the other on my hip as he hovered his lips over mine. "Tell me..." he kissed me hard suddenly causing me goosebumps all over my body. He moved his hand through my hair as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. God why did he do this? Every second I felt myself wanting him more and more. He continued kissing me passionately pressing me harder against the wall. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and kissed him back, I couldn't resist him any longer.  As he pulled away we were both out of breath. "Let's go home eh?" He whispered as he took a step back.  Oh no! Now you're getting it Barlow.  I placed my hands on both sides of his waist and pulled him back against me while I kissed him again. He smiled in the kiss and tugged on my shirt willing it to go off. He moved away and quickly pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my jeans and bra. He started kissing my neck, leaving love bites all over as I started unbuttoning his denim shirt. As I reached the final button he moved his arms away from my waist and threw it off him while he continued kissing my neck. His hands found their way on my side again moving towards the button of my skinny jeans. I closed my eyes and moved my hands through his already messed up hair as he pulled my jeans down to my knees. I skillfully stepped out of them and kicked them away somewhere across the changing room. I wanted him so bad now, I watched how he got rid of his own jeans and boxers letting his length spring free. Oh fuck, just the sight of his huge length standing straight was enough to convulse on the spot. "Gary..." I moaned as he slowly pulled my knickers down touching my thigh lightly with his fingertips. I kicked them off quickly and moved my legs around his waist. He pressed me hard against the wall, his one hand holding me tight at the bottom of my back while he had his other placed just above my popliteal. I rested my head against the wall as he started kissing my neck again. "Gary.. p-please..." I moaned as he placed his tip against my entrance. "Shh be quiet..." he whispered as he eased himself inside me, filling me completely before he moved out again slowly. "Shit Gary..." I whimpered at the intense feeling that started building in my abdomen.  Gary kept moving in and out of me on a steady pace driving me insane. "Mm Eve come on." He groaned as he fastened his movements. I circled my hips in unison with his thrust making him whimper. "Oh fuck Eve...right there.." he hissed. I grabbed his face kissing him hard on his lips as I felt myself climbing. "Ooh G-garyy..."  I cried out as I let my orgasm take over. He moaned loud in the kiss as he poured his liquids inside me suddenly. He kept thrusting till we were both fully spent. As he stopped I lifted his head up looking him deep In the eyes. He pulled out of me and moved his arms around my neck holding me tight against him. We stood there for a moment in each others arms getting our breaths back. "Let's go home then eh?" He whispered in my ear.

We finished our dinner and snuggled up on the sofa watching some boring movie. I felt myself getting dizzy and rested my head against Gary's chest."you okay?" He mumbled turning his face slightly so he had a better view of mine. "I'm just a bit dizzy..." I said in response, closing my eyes. Gary pushed me off his chest and rested my head on a pillow while he stood up. "I'll get you some water..." he smiled as he headed towards the kitchen. I sighed and rested my hand on my forehead, I wasn't hot luckily. I heard Gary's footsteps getting closer as I pulled myself up and sat up straight. "Here you go..." he handed me a glass of water and and a paracetamol. "Thanks Gaz..." I smiled as I swallowed the pill, urgh... My face turned from a smile to a disgusted look. Gary laughed as he sat down next to me again. He moved one arm around my shoulder and pressed my head firmly against his chest. "Why are you smiling?" I mumbled as I looked up at him. "Oh nothing..." he grinned. "Yes it is! Tell me..." I poked him in his side making him jump. "Oi! Stop that!" He laughed. "Tell me then..." I giggled moving my hand over his stubble. "I thought... maybe..you ehm..." he sighed looking down at me again.  "I'm what?" I stared at him confused. "You're pregnant..."

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