maandag 11 maart 2013

Chapter 45

*Three weeks later-March*

*Eve's POV*

Rob and Gary were getting along again. Thankfully Rob was fired out the hospital soon after he was brought in. He wasn't that bad and they could easily remove all the pills out of his system. I was happy for him and for Gary. Rehearsals for the next tour were around the corner and would start next week. This was our final week here in LA, we would leave the sun and go back to rainy London. I was happy to go back home, but on the other hand it was great here in LA. No one bothered you and you could walk through the streets without someone recognizing you. 

''Eve? you're coming?'' ''Yeah one minute!'' We were about to go out for dinner, something we hadn't done for a while, despite the fact that we're here. We mostly ordered chinese or something, or cooked something simple ourselves. But tonight it was different, one of those final nights. Gary wanted to make it special for whatever reason he had. I didn't argue with him, it wouldn't make a difference, so I decided to dress up nice for this evening. This little burgundy coloured dress would do fine I thought as I looked in the mirror for one last time. I grabbed my little handback and walked downstairs, Gary was waiting for me in the hallway, his eyes followed me till I stood still next to him. ''You look amazing.'' he mumbled against my ear before he kissed my temple. 

*Gary's POV*

I finished my main course and watched Eve finish hers. Should I ask her? No let's just wait till they take away our plates I thought as I took another sip of my red whine. I don't know why but lately I had this strong feeling of wanting a baby. After her miscarriage I felt devastated, like I lost something that was so close. It was ofcourse, but I never felt that way before. I swallowed and looked back up at Eve. She smiled, why was she so gorgeous when she smiled? What if she didn't want a baby though? What would I do? Oh come on Barlow don't think about that! Just tell her. ''Eve?'' ''Yes?'' she stared at me waiting for my question. Should I really ask her? Oh come on! ''Did you already do a test?'' Her eyes widened, and she raised her eyebrows. Oh great, I fucked it up. Ofcourse she was not waiting for this question, now I've ruined our night, fucking well done Barlow. ''I emm... never mind...''  I said quickly before she could even answer. It wasn't going to be a positve answer so let's forget about it ok? ''You want a dessert?'' I smiled. She looked at me awkward, Oh messed it up big time! ''Gary, act normal! relax!'' she laughed. ''I didn't take a test...'' ''Why not?'' I asked bluntly. ''Because I don't feel sick or dizzy or pregnant at all...'' She grabbed the dessert card from the table next to ours and looked at it like I never asked anything at all. ''But we didn't used any protection since we're here...'' ''so?...'' ''Well I thought.. you know, that night you felt dizzy and stuf...'' ''That was only once Gary. Don't worry.'' She laid her hand on mine and smiled at me. Oh no she said ''don't worry.'' She doesn't think that I don't want a baby does she? 

*Eve's POV*

He's got no idea. He really doesn't. It was so hard not to laugh but I managed to keep it in. Ofcourse I did a test, and ofcourse I knew if I was pregnant or not. Not that I was about to tell him though. I noticed Gary wanted a baby since we came here, and I didn't want to tell him yet. Because I was pregnant, three weeks. Thank God I didn't have morning sickness yet, otherwise he would've noticed. ''I think I'll take the strawberry icecream... you?'' I asked him as I placed the dessert card on the table again. ''I'll pass...'' 'he mumbled. ''Oh Gary come on! Cheer up! I will get you one with chocolate yeah?'' I grabbed his card out of his hands and walked towards the bar. 

*Gary's POV*

Why is she so happy? I don't understand, woman I guess... I watched her walking to the bar ordering our desserts. Something is not right... I could feel it. 

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