zaterdag 9 februari 2013

Chapter 28

Here's the next chaper guys, sorry it took so long but school was stressing me out with all those tests and stuff. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!

*A few hours later...*

Gary went away for a few hours, he had some kind of meeting with his manager. I was still in bed feeling sick. I heard the door handle moving, Gary walked in. "Hiya Sweetheart how are you feeling?" Gary kissed my forehead softly striking my cheek with his hand. "I'm alright I guess..." I mumbled pushing myself up against the headboard. "Dinner is at seven, do you want to go or do you want to stay here?" "I think I'll stay here, sorry." I actually really wanted to go with Gary. But by the way I felt it would be better if I didn't. "That's okay, I'll just ring Howard that we pass okay?" Gary pulled away grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "But Gary you can still go!" I said striking his back. "No I wil stay here with you. I will make us something yeah?" He gave me a quick kiss before walking out.
"Eve are you coming? It's ready!" Gary screamed from the kitchen.  I stood up and grabbed a burgundy hoodie from Gary. I walked down the stairs pulling it over my head. The gorgeous smell of beef entered my nose. I didn't know he could cook like that!  I walked into the kitchen when I saw a perfect dinned table. "Surprise!" Gary pulled me into one of those perfect hugs. I smiled resting my head against his shoulder. "Did you all did this yourself?" I asked pulling away. He grabbed a seat and sat down at the other side of the table. "Yeah with some help from a friend..." he grinned. O god he should really stop that, I can't deal with it anymore. "O really? Which friend?" I asked cheekily as I moved my hand over his. "Is he still here then?" Gary turned red immediately, I knew it! He couldn't cook like this, it was way to delicious.  "No he just left..." he smiled taking a sip of his red whine. "Well who was it then?" "You don't know him..." "I bet I do know." "No you don't. " "what do I get if I'm right?" There was a silence for a moment. I got him haha. Now he has to tell me. He looked up staring in my eyes. "I will think about that..." he grinned before eating the last piece of his beef.

"Come on Gary who was it?" I asked one last time looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "O come on don't look at me like that!" He whispered. "Why not?!" "Because then I will feel sorry for you. .." I laughed reaching for my glass of whine. "It was Jamie." I chocked immediately.  "Y-you mean Jamie? THE Jamie? Jamie like Oliver?" Gary looked at me confused. "Uh yeah... why?" "O. MY. GOD. Gary I've had a crush on him for so long you can't even imagine.  He's like heaven on earth. I mean the hair and o god his eyes. And the way he touches his ingredients o my god. Have you ever noticed?  Gary why didn't you call me? I would've jumped out of bed and... oh gosh.." 

Gary looked at me like I was some crazy fangirling mum. "Are you serious?" He asked with widened eyes. I couldn't hold myself from bursting out in laughter. "No ofcourse not you crazy." I giggled grabbing his hands. "You scared me you know?" He said standing up from his seat. "Do you want anything else?" "Only if Jamie made it." I responded cheekily.  "Oi, now stop it. I'm really going to feel bad." He said cleaning the table. I grabbed our plates putting them in the dishwasher.  While I bend over I felt two hands on either side of my hips. "Gary don't." I said turning around to face him. "Mm why not?" He pressed his soft lips against mine kissing me tenderly. His hands made their way up my back making me shiver. He pushed me towards the table again our mouths never losing eachother.  I ran my hands through his hair as he slipped his tongue inside. I groaned mirroring his actions. His hands moved to my front tugging at my hoody.
I pulled away facing him. "I can't Gary I'm sorry." I looked to the ground trying to hold back the tears. "Ho Eve! Baby what's wrong?" Gary said lifting my face up with his right hand. He looked at me with concerned eyes. I couldn't do this. Not now. Not after what happened this afternoon. I burst out in tears and ran upstairs. I let myself fall on the bed grabbing a pillow and dugged my face deep in it. Seconds later I felt Gary's hand moving over my back. "Shh baby what's wrong? Tell me please..." he said soflty trying to calm me down. I turned around facing him, I would probably look like a mess as my mascara wasn't waterproof.  I ran my hands underneath my eyes and they turned black immediately.  Great. I dugged my face against his shoulder leaving black marks all over his shirt. "Shh calm down baby, it's alright..." Gary whispered softly in my ear while his hand stroked my hair.

"You want to tell me what's wrong?"
He asked after a few moments. I looked up at him letting out a deep sigh while my breath still chocked. "You know when you went away this afternoon for a few hours... " I said looking down at my hands. "Y-yes... don't tell me you had a miscarriage Eve..." he said grabbing my hands tight. "No, no it's not that." "O thank god! " he let out a relieved sigh. "it's just... Robbie.. he.. came over again..." Tears were streaming down my face again, i tried to wipe them away with my hands but Gary pulled them away from my eyes, looking at me. He looked so worried. Oh god how am I ever going to tell him this... "what happened Eve?" He said pulling me into his strong arms again." "He.. h-he did things to me Gary..."  

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