vrijdag 15 februari 2013

Chapter 33

"W-what? L.A.? But why?" I stuttered. "I think we'll find Rob there. And since he's not answering any of our calls we'll go to him." Gary placed our bags near the front door and walked towards me. "But baby are you sure he'll be there? What if he isn't?" "I know he is..." Gary sighed holding me in his strong arms. "... he's always there when times get rough. No one knows him, no camera's, just Rob in his own world." He gave me a little kiss and looked me in he eyes. "Shall we go then?" "Do you already have the tickets?" I asked surprised.  "No, but there's no need to." A huge grin appeared on his face. Oh fuck he probably arranged something....

*a few hours later...*

"You're totally crazy, you know that right?" I giggled slamming his arm softly. "Mmm I don't care, if you want to take another plane it's fine by me." He laughed stretching his arms out. We were about to take of with this private jet that Gary arranged.  He's crazy, he really is. I looked outside the window when the plane flew into the air. "Hope there are no storms coming up." Gary sighed. "Why's that? Is Barlow scared? " I giggled resting my forehead against his. "I'm not scared! " "o yes you are, I can see it!" I laughed while I grabbed a paper.

"Attention please,  we're having some turbulence at the moment, please fasten your seat belts. Thank you." "O great, I fucking hate turbulence." Gary mumbled fastening his belt. I laughed silently doing the same. "Don't laugh at me you!" "I'm sorry Gaz, it's just funny to see you getting scared about some turbulence." I giggled squeezing his tigh. "When that stupid seat belt light is off I'll get you for that one you know." He whispered in my ear."Oh no you won't." "I fucking will..." he grinned looking at the light. Suddenly the plane started to shake heavily and Gary grabbed his seat tight in his hands looking at me with scared eyes. I couldn't help myself from bursting out in laughter. "Gary you're such a child!" "Shut up..." "haha o God."

Fifteen minutes later the turbulence was almost over and Gary was staring at me, I could see him from my eye corner. I smiled looking out of the window. Suddenly I felt his warm breath against my neck causing chills all over my body. He kissed me softly moving up to my ear. He placed his hand on the side of my face turning me around. He looked me deeply in my eyes before pressing his lips against mine. Kissing me passionately.  My hands found their way through his hair while I mirrored his actions. "Mm come with me..." he wispered nibbling at my ear. He unfastened his seatbelt and pulled me behind him towards the bedroom. (Yes there was a fucking bedroom in the plane...) he opened the door and turned me around against it, kissing me hard. "Get this off..." he growled tugging at my shirt. I did what he said and threw my shirt somewhere across the room. He started kissing my neck, sucking on my pulse points. His hands striking my back. "Mmmh Gary..." I moaned resting my head against the door, closing my eyes slightly as Gary continued. He pulled away and threw me on the bed while he stripped down infront of me before bending over, resting his warm body on mine. I quickly got rid of my jeans snd knickers while Gary stroked the side of my face slowly never losing eye contact.  "You're so gorgeous,  you know that?" Gary said while his hands ran over my breasts moving down." My cheeks turned red causing him to giggle. "Mmm...." I groaned while Gary pushed himself inside me. Fuck he was hard, he started moving in and out hitting all the right spots. "O shit..." he hissed resting his forehead against mine continuing his actions. "Faster Gary..." I moaned while I dugged my nails in his back. He speeded up thrusting into me deep, filling me completely every time. I felt myself climbing higher and higehr while he continued.  "O Fuck yes! O god!" He screamed emptying himself inside me while I also reached my orgasm. He continued to thrust till we were both fully spended. "O Gary...." I whispered while he pulled himself out of me, collapsing down beside me. I stroke his little hair at the back of his head while he looked at me with his eyes half open. "I love you so much Eve..." he mumbled raising his head so it was just millimetres away from mine. "I love you too." I pressed my lips against his kissing him tenderly.  He pulled away after a moment pushing my head down on imhis chest. "Have some sleep..." he whispered in my ear while he pulled the duvets over me.

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