donderdag 21 februari 2013

Chapter 37

*Gary's POV*

I woke up a few hours later after what seemed like hours off punishing Eve, if you know what I mean. I had my arms still wrapped around her body keeping her close to me. I sighed looking at the time, five o'clock in the afternoon.  "Eve? Babe you're awake?" I brushed her hair softly hoping she was awake.  "Mm yes I think so..." she turned around facing me with her beautiful smile. She wrapped her hands behind my neck pushing my lips on hers. She kissed me tenderly before pulling away again. "I love you." "I love you too honey." I smiled looking into her eyes. "Come on, let's go and find a good restaurant mm?" I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before climbing out of bed. "Do we have to go out? We can just stay here..." I grabbed a black shirt from my suitcase and put it on before looking at Eve with a confused look. "You don't want to go out?" She climbed out of bed walking towards me with a smirk on her face.  "No..." she giggled running her finger down my bare chest. "And why's that?" I mumbled grabbing her hands,  twisting our fingers. "I liked the last time you cooked..." she giggled looking up at me. "oh really?" "Mmh" she nodded before walking towards the wardrobe.

*Evelyn's POV*

I grabbed a white blouse from the wardrobe and pulled it on, closing the buttons till I suddenly felt Gary's arms around my stomach holding me tight. He rested his head on my shoulder hovering his lips against my neck slightly. "Gary don't..." I giggled turning around. "You're so beautiful..." he mumbled before pulling me into one of those amazing hugs. I moved my arms around his waist resting my head against his chest. I closed my eyes when Gary started striking my hair with his hand holding me close to him with the other. "I'm taking you somewhere after dinner." "Oh really?" I asked surprised looking up at him. He had this enormous grin on his face again. "Were are you taking me then?" "That's a surprise, now come on you got to help me with cooking." He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me after him towards the kitchen.

*two hours later*
-Gary's POV-

"You ready?" I screamed upstairs. "Evelyn?" "Yeah I'm coming, five seconds!" She answered. I walked to the front door grabbing the car keys as I heard Eve coming down from the stairs. I turned around facing her. "Woah you look gorgeous!" She blushed pulling my shirt straight.  "You don't look bad either." I pulled her up from the ground holding her bridal style.  "ooi Gary!" She laughed holding her hands behind my neck. "What are you doing?" She giggled as I set her down on the passenger seat. "Placing you in the car..." I grinned walking over to the other side and sitting down behind the steering wheel. After fifteen minutes driving up the hill we reached the top. It was sunset time. I smiled looking down at Eve. "This is gorgeous..." she stuttered. "Come on we're not there yet." I climbed out of the car and walked around opening the passenger door.  "What do you mean we're not there yet? There's no where else to go from here...?" She looked at me confused. "Just follow me." I moved my hand around her waist while I held the other in my right pocket. "Just go underneath this..." I held up some barbed wire. "but Gary we can't go there it's forbidden!" "Just go, trust me..." I looked down at her. Carefully she walked underneath the wire, I followed her and made sure no one saw us. "Just up there!" I pointed at the hill ahead of us. Eve looked at me with a 'what the hell are we doing' look on her face. I couldn't help myself from bursting out in laughter. "Gary stop it! This is ridiculous,  you better know what we're doing!" She turned around slapping my arm giggling. "Okay you asked for this." I smirked picking her up again. "Gary!!" "Hold on me, before you fall." I giggled while I walked up the hill. "Now close your eyes.." I whispered in her ear. She laughed closing her eyes slowly. "Don't look eh?" "I don't!" "I saw you!" "I really didn't!" She giggled holding me tight behind my neck. I walked a little bit further down behind the hill and placed her down in the grass. I sat down behind her placing her between my legs. I moved my arms around her stomach holding her tight. "Now open your eyes..." I whispered against her ear.

*Evelyn's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes widening them immediately.  Oh. My. God. This place was the most beautiful I've ever seen. The sky was bright red, orange and yellow. The sun was slowly dropping while the wind softly blowed through my hair. We were sat a little bit down the hill in the soft grass. There was no house or other human being to be seen. Just the two of us. "G-Gary. .. this is beautiful!" I stammered looking behind me. Gary grinned looking me I the eyes. "How do you know this place?" "Found it myself..." he smiled kissing my temple. He moved his arms further around my stomach and pushed me down in the grass. He rested on his elbow resting his head in his hand and looked down at me. I blushed a little. How romantic was he?. "Eve..." he whispered. "Yes..?" I felt his rigt hand striking the side of my face before he pulled it away, rumbling in his pocket. "You know how much I love you?" He asked looking me deep in my eyes. "Ofcourse I do, you crazy!" I giggled playing with his little hair at the back of his head. There was a silence before he sighed soflty, taking something out of his pocket. "Evelyn?... do you want to marry me?" He looked me deep in the eyes as he opened a little black box showing a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped looking up at him. "Ooh Gary..." I felt tears coming up behind my eyes. "Yes, yes I wanna marry you!" I smiled taking his head in my hands before kissing him tenderly.  I felt him smiling in the kiss. He pulled away taking my hand in his as he shove the ring around my finger. I smiled looking down at him. This was the most beautiful moment of my life. God I loved him!

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