dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Chapter 30

"Nothing?" "No nothing... I don't have a clue where he is or could be..." Gary said placing his phone on the kitchen table again. It's been three months since my miscarriage and Rob tried to call us daily for over 2 months, but Gary didn't want to speak to him. And to be honest neither did I. Strangely we haven't heard of him in the last 30 days and Gary got worried in some kind of way. I still don't know what to think about the whole situation. I'm having nightmares at least twice a week and my mind is going crazy over almost everything. Gary has been a great support for me, he carried me all the way through and still does. I couldn't describe how much I loved him. I knew that he was hurting inside as well but he tried to digg it away.

"Gary come to bed baby, you look exhausted. .." I bend over and grabbed him by his arms pulling him down on the bed. He looked up at me, deep concern in his eyes. "I don't get It Eve, I just don't understand..." he sighed pulling the duvets up and resting is head in te pillow while he stared at the ceiling. "Why would he cause a miscarriage in the first place. That's not like Rob. And then he calls us every day for two months. And now he's gone..." I moved my arm over his stomach resting my head on his chest. "I don't know... I really don't know." "You know what the strangest thing is though?" He said looking me in the eyes. "That he wanted to make his record with me so badly to prove that we're all fine and that... and then he does this. It doesn't even make sense does it?" I tought for a moment running my fingers over Gary's chest. "No it doesn't make sense at all. We'll talk about it tomorrow okay? You need sleep." I said kissing him softly on his warm lips. He moved his hand to my cheek striking it slowly before pulling away. "I don't need sleep I just need you..." he said grabbing my hand and moving it over his crotch. "Shit Gary..." I giggled. "it's all your fault though..." he said pushing me underneath him. "O really?" "Mmmh.." he kissed my neck softly while his removed my panties in one quick movement.  "You're so beautiful Eve..." he mumbled against my ear resting his already wet tip against my entrance.  "Mm Gary... please..." I groaned moving my hips up slightly. Gary pushed himself inside me picking up a steady pace while he continued kissing my neck. "O shit Gary.... mm" I clawed my hands behind his neck pushing him further in me while I moved my legs around his waist slightly.  Gary kept moving in and out of me getting quicker each time. "Ooo yes Eve, o baby come on..." He groaned while I felt myself climbing higher and higher. "Ooo fuck GARY! Ahhh..." I screamed while I reached my limit convulsing around him. Gary kept thrusting till he also came, pouring his liquids inside me till he was fully spended. "O God. Mmh that was so good." He groaned pulling out of me resting his head in his pillow trying to get his breath back...

The next morning Gary phoned the police to tell about the situation. He sounded surprised to me. I was wondering if they knew something about Rob. While Gary said goodbye he looked me deep in the eyes. "Eve are you absolutely sure that it was Robbie who kicked you?"

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