zondag 17 maart 2013

Chapter 49

This will be the last chapter guys, cause I'm ending this fanfic.
Don't worry, cause I'm already writing a new one!
I just want to say thanks to all of you for reading, I never expected to get so many positive reactions from you guys!
It just started as a bit off fun because I was bored at my grandparents. Anyway I hope you enjoy this last (short) chapter.
*Big hug*


*one year later*
Eve's POV

Life was perfect. Just perfect I thought as I picked up our seven months old baby boy to bring him to bed. "Gaz I'm taking Jacob to bed, I'll be right back!" I said as I wandered up the stairs. There was no answer, Gary was watching some kind of show on the telly. Must be interesting then... I laid Jacob down in his little bed and pulled some covers over him. He was already asleep. Bless him, he was a good sleeper. "He looks so cute..." Gary suddenly whispered in my ear moving his arms around my stomach from behind. "He looks like you, that'll explain it." I giggled as I turned around facing him. "No no he looks definitely more like you!" He smiled and pulled me behind him down the stairs. We cuddled up on the sofa and Gary gave me a glass of red whine. "This one's nice..." I smiled. "You know when we first met..." Gary begun. "Mmh?" I placed the glass on the table again and laid my head on his chest. "I could imagine all this..." he mumbled in my hair. "Really?" "Oh yes..." he smiled. "I think it's still a bit unreal actually..." I murmured. "No it's not, it's perfect.." he lifted my head with his hands and kissed me softly. I moved my hand to the side of his face striking his little stubble as he deepened the kiss.  "I love you... " he whispered as he pulled away. "I love you too..."

"Come on let's go to bed..." he pulled me up from the sofa and turned off the lights as I made my way upstairs. He was right, it was perfect. Gary was perfect, and Jacob was another blessing. Mum and dad would have been so proud I thought as I slipped under the covers. I missed them sometimes. They never had the chance to meet Gary or hold Jacob in their arms. I wish they could. "What's wrong?" Gary asked as he laid down beside me. "I was just thinking about my parents." "Awh hey come ere" he pulled me in his chest holding me tight as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "They're still here... they're watching us. Don't worry." He mumbled. I smiled. Why did he always managed to say the right thing? "I know... it's just-" "shh don't think about it. As long as we're happy they're are happy mh? And we'll always be happy, because you're perfect and Jacob is perfect. And there's nothing standing in our way." "Thanks..." I smiled as I pulled the duvets further over my head. "You forgot one thing though..." I whispered as I was almost asleep. "What's that?" "You're perfect..."

vrijdag 15 maart 2013

Chapter 48

*Eve's POV*

Sure why not? I'm marrying Gary tonight, without me knowing anything about it he arranged this party and stuff. And oh god. Why didn't he tell me?! How long did he keep this secret? And how could everybody know about it except for me!? I still sat on the sofa with the white box on my lap. He even got me a dress! The basterd. I opened the box and took the dress out. It was beautiful,  completely my taste, how the fuck did he knew?! Just as I wanted to try it on my phone buzzed. Message from Stephanie, my best friend who I haven't seen in ages!

*what do you think of ur dress?? Xxx*

Oh! She.. I knew it I knew it! Gary couldn't just have bought it himself.

*it's absolutely wonderful!! Xx*

*four hours later*

"Do you, Evelyn Catherine Morgan,  take Gary Barlow to be your lawful  wedded husband?"
I had tears in my eyes as looked up at Gary, who looked stunning in his black three piece suit. He smiled as he wiped away a tear with his thumb.
"I do."
"Then I pronounce you as husband and wife."
All our guests started clapping and screaming as Gary took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I swung my arms around his neck and smiled, this was the most perfect moment of my life.

"Is there any cake left?" Rob asked me as he couldn't find it on the table. I spun around and faced him. " I would like some more before I'm going to my room in a minute..." "I-I don't know, there still was something a few minutes ago bu- GARY!" I screamed. He looked up with those innocent puppy dog eyes like he didn't knew anything about it. "You sneak!" I giggled grabbing the cake out of his hands and handing it to Rob. "Thanks love." He whispered and walked back to the few guests that were still here, leaving Gary and me alone. "That was my cake! You just stole my cake! I didn't even get the chance to fini-" I cut him off kissing him hard. He moaned as he moved his hands around my back sliding them down onto my bum. He spun me around and pushed me out of the room to the hallway of the hotel. "Get into the elevator." He groaned as he unzipped my evening dress from behind.  "Gary we ca-" "just do it." He hissed pushing me against the doors. I pressed the button quickly and almost fell on my back as the doors went open. Gary walked me back against the side of the elevator and the doors closed. "We can't do this here... what if someone  comes in?" "Don't think about that." He started kissing my neck as I stepped out of my dress leaving it somewhere on the floor. Gary pressed his crotch against mine makes me groan,  fuck he was hard. "Legs around my waist" he whispered as he continued sucking my neck. I did what he told and he quickly pulled his trousers and boxers down, kicking them off. "Are you really going to fuck me for the first time since we're married in an elevator?" I giggled as he pressed his tip against my entrance.  "Mmh yeah and then in bed followed by the shower and in the taxi back home..." he moaned  before slamming his length inside me. "G-gary! Fuck!" I screamed as he kept thrusting inside me hard,  never slowing down. He  sucked on my pulse points and his hand was tangled I my hair as held me up with his other. "Gary..." I moaned leaning my head against the wall. Fuck what was he doing to me!? He suddenly stopped. "Mm Gary go on!" I cried as I was on the edge of my orgasm. He smirked down on me and slammed his length back inside me again. "Arghh..." I bit down on my lip keeping myself from screaming. "Uhh fuck Eve... mmh" he whimpered as he spilled his warmth inside me. He kept circling his hips till we were both fully spent. "Oh god..." he sighed pulling out of me and resting his hot body against mine... *ding* fuck! Fuck! fuck! We stared in each others eyes scared of the person who was behind the doors that slowly opened. "O God! Man not again!" Robbie looked at us disgusted holding his hand for his eyes. "I'll take the stairs!" He giggled and rushed away. The doors closed again.  We bursted out in laughter. "The look on his face haha!" "Gary it's not funny! Poor Rob." I giggled slamming him playfully on his chest. "That was the second time hahaha!"

dinsdag 12 maart 2013

Chapter 47

*4 months later- july *

*Gary's POV*

"Guys where is me pants?..." I shouted as I walked down the stairs of our stage. Yes, tonight it was our stage. With our fans. And our songs. Wembley. I loved Wembley,  the atmosphere was incredible but right now I could slam everyone in the face. I was angry, where in God's earth was my pants? If this is some kind of stupid joke from the lads it's not funny. I rushed back to the changing room, hoping it will be there. But of course... it wasn't.

"Mark's POV"

"Ehup where's Gary? Did anyone see our captain?" A laughter filled the stadium as we looked around. "I think he's lost somewhere guys..." "yeah what do we do now?" "Let's get the party started now mr.B isn't here yet... what do you guys think...?" The audience went mental... we could have some fun with this... "you can do what you like..." "DO WHAT YOU LIKE!"

"Silence please cause I've got something to say..."

"Eh there's our captain. What took ya so long Gaz?"

*Gary's POV*

"Well it seemed someone stole my pants... backstage..." I frowned my eyebrows and looked at Mark first, knowing he could be the one behind this. He just laughed at me. "Well did you find it then?"
"No I didn't...But I found something else in one of our bags...I believe it was Rob's...." his faced turned to me immediately, surprised.  Not knowing what was about to happen.  "Since when did you started to collect all of our trousers mate?" I stood up behind the piano and walked towards the lads. The audience screamed louder than ever when they noticed I had my clown trousers on that we used during our circus tour. Rob went red. Bright red.
"Now I thought we could relive some memories from our last tour... since Rob wasn't there...

As I walked to the dressing room I was boiling. The blood rushed through my veins and my clothes were sticked to my body. The show was incredible, such a shame it was our last one. I could do a few more to be honest. It was like the old days again. I opened the door and was greeted by some people from behind the scenes who were cheering and screaming.
This after party was going to be good, I thought. Eve was standing between them as well. I smiled while I grabbed her wrist and took her to my private room. "You were amazing tonight!" She said excited. "That clown custume.. you should have seen the look on people's faces!  There were going mental Gaz!"
I lauhed "I know.. I know.. little surprise for the last show hm?" "Such a shame that it's already over, I enjoyed the shows..." "yeah me too. But we can finally get married now mh?" I said as I pulled her in my lap kissing her cheek. "What about tonight?" She turned around surprised, "tonight!? Gary I'm 4 months pregnant I'll look fat" "So what... you want to wait another 5/6 months then?"  I grinned as Mark suddenly opened the door. "Ey you two lovebirds, getting ready for the big night?" He smiled as he pulled his sweaty shirt over his head. Eve looked at me and frowned her eyebrows. "Gary... don't tell me you a-" I cut her off, pressing my finger against her lips. "Shhh. Just put this on for tonight yeah?" I grabbed a box from behind the sofa and gave it to Eve before standing up and leaving the room. "G-gary!" She screamed just before I closed the door. "No talking sweetheart!"
This was going to be a good night...

maandag 11 maart 2013

Chapter 46

*Gary's POV*

"Here you go.." Eve placed my chocolate ice cream infront of me and sat down. I should really watch out with those ice creams cause I'm on the tour diet. It's horrible, but thankfully I have enough willpower to stick with it. This ice cream looked bloody delicious though. I took a piece of it. "Mmmh" I closed my eyes by the taste of chocolate. I smiled, just what I needed. "See? Told you..." Eve brought me back to reality. "Mm? Told me what?" "That you would like it." She laughed. "You already forgot?" "Yeah I'm in heaven now..." I answered as I took another spoon. "You know Rob told me to make sure you put on some weight..." What?! I almost chocked. I put my spoon down and looked staight at Eve. "He said that?!" She just laughed, was she laughing because of my question or just about the whole thing?  "Yeah he did. I think he's just jealous though..." 

She finished her dessert and placed the empty bowl on the middle of the table, her eyes sticked to mine. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. "His problem. Although i have to run a few rounds for this ice cream." I sighed placing my hands on my stomach. "Oh really?" She said looking at me with flirty eyes. "Yeah... or did you had something else in mind?" I sighed as I bend forward grabbing her hands in mine. "I had a few ideas..." she smiled biting down on her bottom lip. "Don't. Do. That..." "what?! This?" She did it again.  God why did she have to do that?  She fucking knew it turned me on big time. "In that case let's go hm?" I stood up pulling Eve behind me. "You didn't even p-" "now I did." I grinned as I dropped some notes on our table.

"You're horrible!" She giggled as we walked over the road back to our mansion. It was an half an hour walk back, but the view was nice. "You love it." I smirked back. "Oh! How do you know Barlow?" "The look on your face sais it all." I smiled pressing the side of my forehead against hers. "You know when I asked you about that test..." her hand tense immediately in mine when I said the word 'test'. I stood still and looked at her. "Eve is there something you aren't telling me?" Her eyes looked down on the road, I knew it! She's hiding something from me!

*Eve's POV*

Oh why does he need to ask that question?! What the hell am I supposed to say now? "I erm..." "Eve tell me... Now." He raised my chin with his fingers looking me straight in the eyes. "There's nothing. I'm just surprised that you're asking all those questions. Why do you?" I asked bluntly.  Maybe this was a good way, turn the question back. He sighed and grabbed my hand again as we walked further. "I just want to start a family with you Eve. I love you, more than anyone. And it just feels right." Why was he doing this to me? I couldn't hold it back till the tour started could I? It wasn't even fair... "Gary I did take a test..." I whispered. He stopped again, and turned around facing me. "W-well what d..did it say?..." I moved my hands around his neck and pressed my lips against his ear. "I'm pregnant..." I smiled. He pulled me away holding his arms around my lower back, I saw a twinkle in his eyes. "You sure!?" He asked excited raising his eyebrows up and down as if they were dancing. I nodded. "Yes I'm sure.." a huge smile appeared on his face. He suddenly picked me up and spun me around in the air. "GARY!!" I held on tight being the coward that I was, afraid that he might drop me. He placed me down again and pressed his forehead against mine. "You don't know how happy I am right now!" He smiled before he kissed me tenderly. 

Chapter 45

*Three weeks later-March*

*Eve's POV*

Rob and Gary were getting along again. Thankfully Rob was fired out the hospital soon after he was brought in. He wasn't that bad and they could easily remove all the pills out of his system. I was happy for him and for Gary. Rehearsals for the next tour were around the corner and would start next week. This was our final week here in LA, we would leave the sun and go back to rainy London. I was happy to go back home, but on the other hand it was great here in LA. No one bothered you and you could walk through the streets without someone recognizing you. 

''Eve? you're coming?'' ''Yeah one minute!'' We were about to go out for dinner, something we hadn't done for a while, despite the fact that we're here. We mostly ordered chinese or something, or cooked something simple ourselves. But tonight it was different, one of those final nights. Gary wanted to make it special for whatever reason he had. I didn't argue with him, it wouldn't make a difference, so I decided to dress up nice for this evening. This little burgundy coloured dress would do fine I thought as I looked in the mirror for one last time. I grabbed my little handback and walked downstairs, Gary was waiting for me in the hallway, his eyes followed me till I stood still next to him. ''You look amazing.'' he mumbled against my ear before he kissed my temple. 

*Gary's POV*

I finished my main course and watched Eve finish hers. Should I ask her? No let's just wait till they take away our plates I thought as I took another sip of my red whine. I don't know why but lately I had this strong feeling of wanting a baby. After her miscarriage I felt devastated, like I lost something that was so close. It was ofcourse, but I never felt that way before. I swallowed and looked back up at Eve. She smiled, why was she so gorgeous when she smiled? What if she didn't want a baby though? What would I do? Oh come on Barlow don't think about that! Just tell her. ''Eve?'' ''Yes?'' she stared at me waiting for my question. Should I really ask her? Oh come on! ''Did you already do a test?'' Her eyes widened, and she raised her eyebrows. Oh great, I fucked it up. Ofcourse she was not waiting for this question, now I've ruined our night, fucking well done Barlow. ''I emm... never mind...''  I said quickly before she could even answer. It wasn't going to be a positve answer so let's forget about it ok? ''You want a dessert?'' I smiled. She looked at me awkward, Oh messed it up big time! ''Gary, act normal! relax!'' she laughed. ''I didn't take a test...'' ''Why not?'' I asked bluntly. ''Because I don't feel sick or dizzy or pregnant at all...'' She grabbed the dessert card from the table next to ours and looked at it like I never asked anything at all. ''But we didn't used any protection since we're here...'' ''so?...'' ''Well I thought.. you know, that night you felt dizzy and stuf...'' ''That was only once Gary. Don't worry.'' She laid her hand on mine and smiled at me. Oh no she said ''don't worry.'' She doesn't think that I don't want a baby does she? 

*Eve's POV*

He's got no idea. He really doesn't. It was so hard not to laugh but I managed to keep it in. Ofcourse I did a test, and ofcourse I knew if I was pregnant or not. Not that I was about to tell him though. I noticed Gary wanted a baby since we came here, and I didn't want to tell him yet. Because I was pregnant, three weeks. Thank God I didn't have morning sickness yet, otherwise he would've noticed. ''I think I'll take the strawberry icecream... you?'' I asked him as I placed the dessert card on the table again. ''I'll pass...'' 'he mumbled. ''Oh Gary come on! Cheer up! I will get you one with chocolate yeah?'' I grabbed his card out of his hands and walked towards the bar. 

*Gary's POV*

Why is she so happy? I don't understand, woman I guess... I watched her walking to the bar ordering our desserts. Something is not right... I could feel it. 

zondag 10 maart 2013

Chapter 44

"Now are you going to tell me what he said or not?" Gary whispered as his face was millimetres away from mine. He had pushed me against the wall in the rather big changing room and rested his hands either side of my face against the wall. I was curious what his next action would be and looked him in the eyes. They hypnotised me with their deep green colour and showed a kind of lust. "Tell me Eve..." he mumbled against my skin as he dropped kisses from my cheek to my neck. It was such a turn on but I promised myself to not give in. He placed one hand on my face while he rested the other on my hip as he hovered his lips over mine. "Tell me..." he kissed me hard suddenly causing me goosebumps all over my body. He moved his hand through my hair as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. God why did he do this? Every second I felt myself wanting him more and more. He continued kissing me passionately pressing me harder against the wall. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and kissed him back, I couldn't resist him any longer.  As he pulled away we were both out of breath. "Let's go home eh?" He whispered as he took a step back.  Oh no! Now you're getting it Barlow.  I placed my hands on both sides of his waist and pulled him back against me while I kissed him again. He smiled in the kiss and tugged on my shirt willing it to go off. He moved away and quickly pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my jeans and bra. He started kissing my neck, leaving love bites all over as I started unbuttoning his denim shirt. As I reached the final button he moved his arms away from my waist and threw it off him while he continued kissing my neck. His hands found their way on my side again moving towards the button of my skinny jeans. I closed my eyes and moved my hands through his already messed up hair as he pulled my jeans down to my knees. I skillfully stepped out of them and kicked them away somewhere across the changing room. I wanted him so bad now, I watched how he got rid of his own jeans and boxers letting his length spring free. Oh fuck, just the sight of his huge length standing straight was enough to convulse on the spot. "Gary..." I moaned as he slowly pulled my knickers down touching my thigh lightly with his fingertips. I kicked them off quickly and moved my legs around his waist. He pressed me hard against the wall, his one hand holding me tight at the bottom of my back while he had his other placed just above my popliteal. I rested my head against the wall as he started kissing my neck again. "Gary.. p-please..." I moaned as he placed his tip against my entrance. "Shh be quiet..." he whispered as he eased himself inside me, filling me completely before he moved out again slowly. "Shit Gary..." I whimpered at the intense feeling that started building in my abdomen.  Gary kept moving in and out of me on a steady pace driving me insane. "Mm Eve come on." He groaned as he fastened his movements. I circled my hips in unison with his thrust making him whimper. "Oh fuck Eve...right there.." he hissed. I grabbed his face kissing him hard on his lips as I felt myself climbing. "Ooh G-garyy..."  I cried out as I let my orgasm take over. He moaned loud in the kiss as he poured his liquids inside me suddenly. He kept thrusting till we were both fully spent. As he stopped I lifted his head up looking him deep In the eyes. He pulled out of me and moved his arms around my neck holding me tight against him. We stood there for a moment in each others arms getting our breaths back. "Let's go home then eh?" He whispered in my ear.

We finished our dinner and snuggled up on the sofa watching some boring movie. I felt myself getting dizzy and rested my head against Gary's chest."you okay?" He mumbled turning his face slightly so he had a better view of mine. "I'm just a bit dizzy..." I said in response, closing my eyes. Gary pushed me off his chest and rested my head on a pillow while he stood up. "I'll get you some water..." he smiled as he headed towards the kitchen. I sighed and rested my hand on my forehead, I wasn't hot luckily. I heard Gary's footsteps getting closer as I pulled myself up and sat up straight. "Here you go..." he handed me a glass of water and and a paracetamol. "Thanks Gaz..." I smiled as I swallowed the pill, urgh... My face turned from a smile to a disgusted look. Gary laughed as he sat down next to me again. He moved one arm around my shoulder and pressed my head firmly against his chest. "Why are you smiling?" I mumbled as I looked up at him. "Oh nothing..." he grinned. "Yes it is! Tell me..." I poked him in his side making him jump. "Oi! Stop that!" He laughed. "Tell me then..." I giggled moving my hand over his stubble. "I thought... maybe..you ehm..." he sighed looking down at me again.  "I'm what?" I stared at him confused. "You're pregnant..."

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Chapter 43

I woke up the next morning, it was already light outside and the curtains were open. I looked down beside me and Gary was gone. I sighed getting out of bed and pulled some clothes on. Gary is probably already downstairs I thought as I walked into the kitchen. But he wasn't there, a little note was lying on the table.

"I'm off to the hospital to chat with Rob. I'll be back soon. Why don't you buy something nice In town? Take the car from the neighbours. Love you, xxx"

Aw, he was so sweet. I noticed Gary's credit card lay under the note. I couldn't just grab it could I? That would be so wrong... but he just said buy something nice... I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted him.

*Gary, are you sure about me using your credit card?  Give Rob a big hug from me. x*

Almost immediately a text came back.

*Hug back, he's doing a lot better. Why don't you come to the hospital, then we'll go to town afterwards?  xxx*

I smiled, that will do it then. I grabbed an apple and the car keys from the neighbours' car before I walked outside. The weather here was so nice. Not to warm, not to cold. Just perfect.
I put my sunhat and glasses on and walked a little bit further down the road untill I reached the neighbours' house. They were gone Gary told me, but we could use everything, if we wanted. I stepped in the white cabriolet and drove off. When I reached the hospital fifteen minutes later I got out and walked towards the entrance.  I was greeted by a small woman. "Hello, can I help you?" "Erm yes, were can I find mr Williams?" I said. She walked behind some kind of desk with papers all over the place.  "I'm sorry what's your name?  Not everyone is allowed to go there..." "mrs Mor-..gan" I stuttered not sure if I should have said mrs Barlow. But we weren't married yet so I thought it would be wrong. "I'm sorry your name is not on the l-" "No, no it's fine. She's my fiancé." Gary smiled as he suddenly walked towards the desk. I blushed as he moved his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "Oh well then you can go in of course,  sorry." She shrugged before walking back into the hall.

I turned around and looked at Gary, he looked gorgeous in that denim shirt above his cream trousers. "You okay?" He smiled as we walked through the hallway. I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder. "I enjoyed last night..." he said as he pulled me tighter against him. I looked up raising my eyebrows. "Really?" I grinned. "Maybe we should do it again..." he whispered in my ear before opening the door on the left... I stood still watching him walking inside the room with a huge smirk on his face. The basterd. I shook my head in disagreement and walked towards Robbie who looked indeed a lot better than yesterday.  "Hey Rob,  you're lookig good." I smiled as I gave him a big hug. "Thanks Eve, I'm feeling great. They better let me go home tomorrow." He laughed as he leaned back against the pillows again.

"So... have you guys.. talked?" I asked curiously.  Robbie smiled. "Yeah we did. I hate him more than ever. So you guys can leave now..." he was looking serious now. What the **? I looked up at Gary who shrugged, then back at Robbie.  "Haha don't look like that, I was only joking you crazy!" He tapped me slightly on my arm as I sighed in relief.  For one moment I thought he was being serious. But then again, was Rob ever serious? Haha. "So you're joining the tour?" I smiled. "Yeah ofcourse! I can't wait, not long before the rehearsals start ain't that right Gaz?" Gary looked up from his phone,  "uh yeah I think next month or so..." he mumbled as he looked down again.
"Ey you already started your diet?" He giggled as he pulled Gary's shirt up. But his faced dropped as he saw his abs. Ofcourse he hoped to see Gary as a cuddly teddy bear underneath that shirt. Haha too bad for him. "You've been working out?" He raised his eyebrows as he kept looking at Gary who put his phone in his back pocket. He smirked looking at me. "It's all her fault!" He said as he stood up to grab some water. Robbie bend over closely to my face. "What are you doing with him? He can't be better looking then I am on tour." He whispered. "Make sure he puts on some weight again."  I laughed pushing him away. "Ha I dunno. Ask him, I'm not doing anythig."

Half an hour later Gary and I walked through a little street in the shopping centre of L.A. He held my hand in his and crossed our fingers as he looked down on me smiling. "What did Rob say about me when I was gone?" "Oh nothing..." I said biting my down on my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing. I wasn't going to tell Gary that I have to make sure he puts some weight on again did I? I preferred him this way. He looked better than ever.  "Oi he did! I can see it! Tell me..." he said as he squeezed my waist.  I jumped up from the sudden feeling. "No I won't tell you, it's nothing really." I smirked. "I don't believe you." He  dragged me in a posh looking shop and turned me around.  "Gary what are you doing?!" I laughed as he pushed me in a changing room.  "Making you answer my question..."

maandag 4 maart 2013

Chapter 42

"Gary, come to bed honey..." I said as I looked over my shoulder. He sat there behind his laptop with only his jeans on, typing away something. "Just a minute..." he mumbled softly as he took a last sip of his red whine. I sighed closing my book and placed it on the bedside table. I climbed out of bed and walked towards Gary. "What are you doing?" I whispered in his ear as I placed my hands on his shoulders, massaging his muscles softly. "Mmh that feels good..." he smiled as he saved the document and closed his laptop. "You should sleep baby, you're way too tired to write down lyrics. It's almost midnight..." I said as I continued my movements in his neck. "Rob was pretty heavy mm?" I giggled as I felt that he was pretty stiff. "He was yeah..." he whispered as he took hold hold of my hands. He turned around and pulled me in his lap. "I love you..." he smiled as he planted a kiss against my temple. "Come on then let's go to bed." He lifted me up and walked to the bathroom while I let myself fall on the soft blankets again. I grabbed the duvet and pulled it over my body till it reached my chin and waited for Gary.

What takes him so long? I thought after ten minutes. He is usually done by now... I sighed and grabbed my book again. It was actually a pretty boring book but I had to read it as preparation for my next lessons. What am I doing to those children?  I thought by myself as I turned another page. 367 pages of pure boredom, I sighed by the thought of it. Maybe I will just skip this test then... let's be the nice teacher for once. Another five minutes past and I noticed why it took Gary so long as I heard the shower being turned off. I closed the book and threw it on the bedside table. The warm feeling of the duvets made me feel tired, I closed my eyes and drifted away...

"You still awake?" Gary whispered as he moved some hair out of my face with his fingers. "Mmh yeah..." I mumbled and turned around facing him. He stretched his arm and turned off the light, letting the darkness fill the room. I moved my arm around his waist and rested my head on his chest as I closed my eyes slighty. "You think Rob will get better?" I said softly as I moved my hand up to his cheek playing with his little stubble. "Yeah I think so..." he mumbled as he locked his eyes with mine. He placed his hand on the side of my face lifting it up before kissing me tenderly on the lips. I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue entered in response. I could still taste the red whine a little as he circled inside my mouth. I moaned moving my hand from his cheek to the back of his head as he turned me around. He pulled away and sighed as he rested on his elbows either side of my face. "I love you so much Eve... promise you'll never leave me?" He said with a serious tune in his voice. "I promise..." I whispered and pressed his warm lips back on mine. His hands moved over the side of my body to my waist, where he slowly hooked his fingers under my panties pulling them down.  I kicked them off with my feet and moved my legs around him, our lips never losing contact. He rested his hand on my cheek as he started kissing my neck softly sending chills all over my body. "You. Are so. Beautiful..." he whispered between the kisses. I blushed running my fingers through his hair. He removed his hand from my cheek and took hold of his length, pushing himself inside me slowly. I moaned as I closed my eyes and rested my head deeper in the pillow. Gary continued kissing my neck as he slowly moved in and out of me sending enormous amounts of pleasure through my abdomen. I circled my hips in unsion causing him to moan. He rested his hand on my hip digging his fingers lightly in my flesh. "Mmh fuck..." he whispered as I felt him harden inside me. I moved my hand around his neck while I held on to his bicep with the other. I could feel myself getting closer as Gary continued his movements. "Oh shit Gary..." I groaned as I reached my limit convulsing underneath him. "Mmmh yes..." I pulled his lips back on mine kissing him passionately as I felt his warmth being released inside me. He moaned as he kissed me back holding my face in his hands. "Mm you're so good." He sighed as he pulled out of me slowly and lay down next to my side. I laughed rolling over slightly pressing my forehead against his.

zondag 3 maart 2013

Chapter 41

*two hours later*

We were waiting in the hospital, my head was resting on Gary's shoulder while he held my hands tight softly striking my knuckles. We haven't heard anything yet and I was so worried. Rob couldn't die. Not now,  not because of me. I felt tears coming up behind my eyes and I couldn't help myself from letting a few slip away. I loosened my hand from Gary's grip and wiped away the tears. "Eh you're crying?" Gary whispered. I sniffed looking up at him. "Come here you, he'll be alright..." he said while he pulled me up and placed me in his lap, he moved his right arm firmly around me while he wiped another tear away with his thumb.  "He'll make it..." I couldn't speak anymore, I felt quilty. I rested my head against Gary's chest and closed my eyes.

"Eve? Baby wake up!" Gary whispered in my ear. "Mmh?" "The doctor is coming..." I jumped up immediately and looked into the hallway on the left. I could see the doctors expression on his face and it wasn't good. "Gary he's not looking happy..." Gary didn't respond, I guess he was aware of that too. I moved out of Gary's lap and sat on the seat next to him while the doctor arrived. He stopped in front of us. "Hello, I'm doctor Evans. You're here for mr Williams?" "Yes!" We both said in unison.  I looked at him desperately,  hoping to hear good news.
"Follow me..." he said and walked back into the hallwat again. I looked at Gary who shrugged and grabbed my hand. We walked behind doctor Evans until he suddenly stopped in front of a door. "Be quiet though, he's still very weak." I let out a relieved sigh, thank god he wasn't dead. Gary squeezed my hand slightly and smiled when I looked up at him. "Told you he'll be alright."

We walked inside the room. There was only one bed, placed at the very end near the window. I walked towards Rob, he was pale. Very pale.  But he looked a lot better then when we found him. "Hi Rob..." I whispered as I sat down next to him. But he didn't move or speak although he had his eyes open. They were looking at Gary who sat next to me. It was confusing.  I looked from Gary to Rob and back and decided to stay quiet. "Rob can you hear us?" Gary said while he took hold hold of his hand. Robbie nodded slightly keeping his eyes straight looking at Gary who sighed. Robbie pushed himself up a little,  and rested his back against the pillow so he sat up straight. There was a silence until suddenly a nurse walked in. "He was very lucky. We could clear the poison before it reached too far. Otherwise he wouldn't be laying here right now." She smiled. "Thanks to you Mr Williams is still alive." She checked a few things and wrote something down before she left again.

"Gaz..." Robbie mumbled softly. "Eve..." I looked down at Rob who was trying hard to speak properly.  "Thanks..." he sighed before he closed his eyes again. He fell asleep, and so could I. I was exhausted and my eyes were burning.  "Gaz can we go home?" "Yeah..." he whispered while he was still looking at Rob. I stood up and grabbed my back that was laying on the other side of the room. While I turned around I saw Gary whispering to Rob. He had his face resting next to his ear while he held his hand tight. I tried to listen what he said but I couldn't hear everything.  "I can't loose you Rob, please... you're my best mate man, what would I be wihout you?  I can't live without you... please get better. I'll be back tomorrow yeah?"
I saw a little smile on Rob's face as Gary stood straight. I walked over to them and grabbed Gary's hand. He looked down on me and smiled. "Come on, let's go home..."

zaterdag 2 maart 2013

Chapter 40

No no no no just no. This cannot be true. "GARY!!" I yelled again. I knelt down and picked the small white pill from the floor. What the hell?! I heard Gary running up the stairs and turned around. "Look what I found..." I said with a shaky voice. "Oh fuck. Jesus christ no!" Gary took the pill out of my hands and put it in his pocket. He walked straight to a door and kicked it open. It was Robbie's bedroom. I followed quickly and looked inside, there was nobody in here. Gary opened some drawers looking for something I guess. "Shall I check the other rooms?" I asked as Gary kept on searching. "Yes honey, check the bathroom." 

I looked at Gary for another few seconds and then walked out of the room. Where the hell was the bathroom? I opened the door at the other side off the hallway. Just a room with music stuff. Fuck this. "Gaz where's the bathroom?" I shouted as I walked to another door. "End of the hall on the left!" Oh great, I turned around and rushed back to the end of the hall. I tried to open the door on the left side but it was locked. "Gary it's locked!" I pushed my shoulder against it hoping the lock would break but it didn't.  Oh no what if he's in there? I laid down on the floor and closed one eye trying to look through the small gab underneath the door. I saw more white pills. Fuck no no! "Gary quick!" I shouted shaking. The bedroom door opened and Gary came running out. "What's wrong?" "It's locked and there are pills everywhere on the floor." "Okay step back." I did what he said and watched as he put his shoulder against the door holding the doorhandle in his right hand. He smashed his body a few times against the door but nothing happened. "Jesus..." he hissed. He took a few steps back and looked at me. "Together?" I nodded and pushed my shoulder against the door as Gary took another few steps back. "One, two, three..." he ran towards the door and smashed his whole body weight against it. The lock broke and the door flew open with a loud bang. We stepped inside and there he was. Robbie lay on the floor, foam covered his mouth. His eyes were slightly open and looked up. He lay on his front his arms clumsy underneath his body. Gary knelt down placing two fingers in his neck. "Call 911" he said quickly.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocked and dialed the number. I gave the adress and hung up. "5 minutes." I said as Gary pulled Robbie up and lifted him over his shoulder. "Let's take him downstairs. Oh and take some pills and their package." He said as he pointed to the ground. I knelt down and grabbed the little things while Gary walked downstairs. I took as many as I could, they were not all the same. Some were bigger than others so I took the three packages I could find and put them in my backpocked.

As I walked downstairs I could hear the sirens arriving. I looked down at Gary who picked Rob up again and walked outside. I followed and ran over to the ambulance.  Suddenly everything went so quick. They placed Robbie on a bed and pushed him inside the ambulance before shutting the doors. "We'll follow you!" Gary said and he grabbed my hand before running over to our car. I quickly sat down and closed the door. Gary started the engine and drove fast behind the ambulance over the road. I looked up at him and he turned his head slightly, our eyes looking into each other for a second before he looked at the road again. But that one second eye contact said enough to tell he was worried. Really worried.

vrijdag 1 maart 2013

Chapter 39

"You ehm... you.. you want to buy a morning-after pill? You know just.. just in case?" Gary stuttered walking over to me. "I don't know..." I sighed grabbing a pillow and dugging my face in it. "Ey come here..." he pulled his arms around me and pressed my head against his chest. "You do want a baby right?" He murmured softly in my hair.  "Yes..." "well let's see then, alright?" "Okay." I looked up at him smiling. He lowered his head kissing me softly. "I love you." "I love you too."

"Come on we need to go and find Rob..." Gary stood up and grabbed my wrists pulling me off the bed. "I will get dressed, just a minute." I smiled walking over to the wardrobe.  I knew Gary was watching me, I could just feel it, the basterd. "Don't stare at me like that perv!" I giggled as I grabbed my favourite red summer dress. "Sorry babe, I will just go downstairs then if you don't want me here..." "oi Gary! No you stay here!" I quickly pulled the dress over my head and walked back into the bedroom. "Red looks good on you sweetheart,  you should wear it more often." He grinned squeezing my hand. I blushed as I followed him downstairs. I wondered if Robbie was indeed at his house here in L.A. I felt so quilty about all this, I still couldn't believe that Robbie had nothing to do with it. It was so sad. Gary opened the passenger door and I sat down in the black audi cabriolet. "You're not nervous are you?" Gary asked as he started the engine. "I don't know, I just feel weird about it." I shrugged as I pulled my sunglasses on.

We drove for about twenty minutes before Gary pulled over in front of a gate. "He lives here!?" My jaw dropped as I looked at the massive mansion behind the gate. "Yeah he does, stay close to me though. Otherwise you'll get lost!" Gary laughed as he opened the gate which surprised me actually.  He had a key of Rob's house? I can't believe he keeps surprising me. "Okay here we go.." he sighed looking at me. I saw a concern in his eyes. What if Robbie wasn't here? Gary climbed out of the car and walked over to my side, but before he could open my door I was already out. "You don't always have to open my door honey." I smiled moving my arm around his waist as we walked to the front door.

Gary putted the key in the keyhole and turned it around. He looked at me before he slowly opened the door. We walked into the hall, it looked empty. It didn't seem like there was living someone here at the moment. Everything was just to clean and perfect. "Robbie? !" Gary shouted as he opened another door. There was no answer. Fuck this. Were else could he possibly be when he's not here? I walked into the living room when I heard a dog barking. "Gary! Come here!" I screamed as I was greated by a small white dog. "Hey little cutie. Where's your boss then eh?" I asked striking the soft hairs. I turned around as Gary walked in. "What's wrong?  Oh his dog! Well that's a good thing." He said as he put his hands on my waist lifting me up. "Rob?!" He yelled again, no answer. "Fuck this.!" I looked at Gary who was walking from one room to another. I decided to have a look upstairs an walked back to the hall. We better find him, I thought as I walked up the stairs. No no he is just upstairs Eve don't worry he'll be here. I was brought back from my thoughts as I kicked against something small on the floor. My jaw dropped, o fuck no! "GARY!!"

zaterdag 23 februari 2013

Chapter 38

We lay there in the grass for a while, enjoying the moment. "We got to go back baby..." Gary mumbled in my hair. "I know..." I sighed leaning my head against Gary's chest. Mrs Barlow... mrs Barlow... I smiled by myself thinking about it.  I just couldn't believe he actually proposed to me half an hour ago... "what are you thinking?" "Nothing..." I giggled "yes you did, you always think about something when your eyes are looking up..." gosh he knew me too well. "Well?..." he asked looking down on me with a smirk on his face.  "I was thinking about being called mrs Barlow..." I laughed standing up. "Oh really? You better get used to it..." he grinned as we walked back to the car.

Someone was striking my cheek, not now please I'm tired... "Mm go away let me sleep..." I mumbled moving the hand away. "Eve wake up..." "m what?" "it's eleven in the morning, we need to go and find Rob..." Gary whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes looking down on him. He was fully dressed, disappointing.. "what's disappointing?" Oh shit did I just say that out loud? I giggled pulling his lips down onto mine. "Mm that you're dressed..." i sighed. He pulled away, "you had it all yesterday..." he grinned standing up from the bed. I smiled thinking back... yeah yesterday was perfect...

*12 hours earlier...*

Gary pulled over at the side of the mansion, he looked down on me as I twisted my fingers through my hair. "What?" I asked cheekily. I stopped as Gary placed his warm hand on my cheek.  "Are you coming inside... mrs Barlow?" He rested his forehead against mine moving his hand up and down my cheek slowly. "And then what?" I asked biting down my bottom lip. "Don't do that..." he sighed. "Why not?" I bit my lip again giggling at the same time. Gary mumbled something before getting out, walking towards my side and opened the door. "What did you say?" I asked as I watched him standing next to me keeping the door open. My gaze was almost immediately dragged towards his crotch. He was hard.  Really hard. I giggled looking up again.  "You're terrible." He sighed lifting me out of the car. He shut the door with his foot and walked towards the front door. "Gary I can walk by myself!" I laughed hiting his arm. He suddenly changed direction and walked towards the pool. "Oh no Gary, NO.WAY." he just grinned tightening his grip so I couldn't wriggle myself free. "Gary don't you dare throwi- AAah!" I yelled as Gary threw my into the pool. Too late. "Gary I hate you! Ooh!" I screamed swimming towards the steps. Gary just stood there laughing himself to death. He's going to regret this one. I climbed out and walked towards him as he was still bending over laughing loud. "You had to see the look on yo- WOAH!" I pushed him as hard as I possibly could into the pool. He smashed down on the water screaming my name. I laughed by myself as I turned around and walked towards the door. Two can play at this game Barlow... I opened the doors but suddenly felt two strong arms grabbing my waist and lifting me up from the ground. "GARY!!" I screamed as he swung me over his shoulder. He walked me up the stairs to the bedroom and layed me down on the bed. We were both still soaked and the duvets started to damp straight away...

"Now... payback. ." He groaned as he removed my clothes leaving me completely naked on the bed. "Payback for what? You threw me in the pool first!" I laughed as I watched him  undressing himself. "I'm allowed to, you aren't..." he giggled before he bent over. I moved my hands to the back of his neck as he started kissing me passionately. I moved my tongue over his lips and they parted immediately letting me in. He moved his hands through my hair before they moved down to the side of my face as he started kissing my neck sending shivers all over my body. "Gary.." I moaned running my hands over his back. I felt his muscles tense as he lifted his arm up and placed it on my thigh. He fastened his grip and lifted my leg around his waist as he continued to kiss my neck. I moaned as I felt his tip against my entrance. I needed him so badly. "Gary please..." I whispered bucking my hips underneath him. "Shh. don't talk.." he mumbled against my skin as he moved down kissing my belly. I ran my fingers through his hair as he suddenly kissed me there. I moaned loud as he flicked his tongue driving me crazy.  He grabbed my hands tight as he slowly licked over my entrance. I closed my eyes dropping my head in the pillow as he continued. Oh Fuck. He moved back up moving my leg around his waist again. "Gary please..." I begged as he kissed slowly over my breast. He just grinned continuing kissing up my neck before his lips moved over mine again. "Ooh shit!" I moaned as he suddenly pushed himself inside me filling me completely. He kissed me passionately before moving almost all the way out again. I pulled away resting my head on his shoulder as he continued moving. He sucked on my pulse points as he fastened his rhythm driving me insane. "Jesus Gary..." I moaned at the intense feeling he caused. That's when it hit me. "Shit." I said worried. "What's wrong baby?" He mumbled against my neck as he continued his movements. "Gary you didn't-" "I don't care..."he moaned circling his hips against mine. I cleared my thoughts and lifted his face up looking in his eyes. He smiled kissing me tenderly... "ohh fuck Eve..." he groaned pulling all the way out before thrusting back in. I moved my legs further up his waist letting him go deeper. "Mm Gary... O FUCK!" I screamed as I reached my orgasm convulsing around him. "Ooh baby... that's it!" He groaned as he spilled his warmth inside me. "Oh god..." he sighed collapsing down on my body...


"You didn't use protection though..." I said as he was about to walk out the door. I saw him swallow slowly as he looked at me again, a concern in his eyes...

donderdag 21 februari 2013

Chapter 37

*Gary's POV*

I woke up a few hours later after what seemed like hours off punishing Eve, if you know what I mean. I had my arms still wrapped around her body keeping her close to me. I sighed looking at the time, five o'clock in the afternoon.  "Eve? Babe you're awake?" I brushed her hair softly hoping she was awake.  "Mm yes I think so..." she turned around facing me with her beautiful smile. She wrapped her hands behind my neck pushing my lips on hers. She kissed me tenderly before pulling away again. "I love you." "I love you too honey." I smiled looking into her eyes. "Come on, let's go and find a good restaurant mm?" I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before climbing out of bed. "Do we have to go out? We can just stay here..." I grabbed a black shirt from my suitcase and put it on before looking at Eve with a confused look. "You don't want to go out?" She climbed out of bed walking towards me with a smirk on her face.  "No..." she giggled running her finger down my bare chest. "And why's that?" I mumbled grabbing her hands,  twisting our fingers. "I liked the last time you cooked..." she giggled looking up at me. "oh really?" "Mmh" she nodded before walking towards the wardrobe.

*Evelyn's POV*

I grabbed a white blouse from the wardrobe and pulled it on, closing the buttons till I suddenly felt Gary's arms around my stomach holding me tight. He rested his head on my shoulder hovering his lips against my neck slightly. "Gary don't..." I giggled turning around. "You're so beautiful..." he mumbled before pulling me into one of those amazing hugs. I moved my arms around his waist resting my head against his chest. I closed my eyes when Gary started striking my hair with his hand holding me close to him with the other. "I'm taking you somewhere after dinner." "Oh really?" I asked surprised looking up at him. He had this enormous grin on his face again. "Were are you taking me then?" "That's a surprise, now come on you got to help me with cooking." He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me after him towards the kitchen.

*two hours later*
-Gary's POV-

"You ready?" I screamed upstairs. "Evelyn?" "Yeah I'm coming, five seconds!" She answered. I walked to the front door grabbing the car keys as I heard Eve coming down from the stairs. I turned around facing her. "Woah you look gorgeous!" She blushed pulling my shirt straight.  "You don't look bad either." I pulled her up from the ground holding her bridal style.  "ooi Gary!" She laughed holding her hands behind my neck. "What are you doing?" She giggled as I set her down on the passenger seat. "Placing you in the car..." I grinned walking over to the other side and sitting down behind the steering wheel. After fifteen minutes driving up the hill we reached the top. It was sunset time. I smiled looking down at Eve. "This is gorgeous..." she stuttered. "Come on we're not there yet." I climbed out of the car and walked around opening the passenger door.  "What do you mean we're not there yet? There's no where else to go from here...?" She looked at me confused. "Just follow me." I moved my hand around her waist while I held the other in my right pocket. "Just go underneath this..." I held up some barbed wire. "but Gary we can't go there it's forbidden!" "Just go, trust me..." I looked down at her. Carefully she walked underneath the wire, I followed her and made sure no one saw us. "Just up there!" I pointed at the hill ahead of us. Eve looked at me with a 'what the hell are we doing' look on her face. I couldn't help myself from bursting out in laughter. "Gary stop it! This is ridiculous,  you better know what we're doing!" She turned around slapping my arm giggling. "Okay you asked for this." I smirked picking her up again. "Gary!!" "Hold on me, before you fall." I giggled while I walked up the hill. "Now close your eyes.." I whispered in her ear. She laughed closing her eyes slowly. "Don't look eh?" "I don't!" "I saw you!" "I really didn't!" She giggled holding me tight behind my neck. I walked a little bit further down behind the hill and placed her down in the grass. I sat down behind her placing her between my legs. I moved my arms around her stomach holding her tight. "Now open your eyes..." I whispered against her ear.

*Evelyn's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes widening them immediately.  Oh. My. God. This place was the most beautiful I've ever seen. The sky was bright red, orange and yellow. The sun was slowly dropping while the wind softly blowed through my hair. We were sat a little bit down the hill in the soft grass. There was no house or other human being to be seen. Just the two of us. "G-Gary. .. this is beautiful!" I stammered looking behind me. Gary grinned looking me I the eyes. "How do you know this place?" "Found it myself..." he smiled kissing my temple. He moved his arms further around my stomach and pushed me down in the grass. He rested on his elbow resting his head in his hand and looked down at me. I blushed a little. How romantic was he?. "Eve..." he whispered. "Yes..?" I felt his rigt hand striking the side of my face before he pulled it away, rumbling in his pocket. "You know how much I love you?" He asked looking me deep in my eyes. "Ofcourse I do, you crazy!" I giggled playing with his little hair at the back of his head. There was a silence before he sighed soflty, taking something out of his pocket. "Evelyn?... do you want to marry me?" He looked me deep in the eyes as he opened a little black box showing a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped looking up at him. "Ooh Gary..." I felt tears coming up behind my eyes. "Yes, yes I wanna marry you!" I smiled taking his head in my hands before kissing him tenderly.  I felt him smiling in the kiss. He pulled away taking my hand in his as he shove the ring around my finger. I smiled looking down at him. This was the most beautiful moment of my life. God I loved him!

dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Chapter 36

*Gary's POV*

"Eve!" I will get her for this. I ran out the bathroom searching for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Oh so we're playing a game here eh? "Eve?" I slowly opened the door that led to the hall and the stairs. I turned my head around the post "honey?" A soft giggle came out of the closet. "Oh there you are!" I got closer and made sure my footsteps were loud so she could hear me. The closer I got the louder she giggled. Oh she's totally stuck now I smiled. I moved my hand to the door handle and grabbed it tight not opening it yet. I waited a few more seconds before I swung the door open and grabbed Eve by her waist. "Ooi Gary let me down!!" She screamed hitting my back. "No." I grinned,  I enjoyed this to much to let her just go now. "Gary! Stop it!" I slapped her bum slightly before laying her down on the bed. "You perv!" She giggled trying to get me off her.

"Perv  uh? That's what you tried to call me all the time didn't you?" I said tickling her all over her body, she was only wearing her bikini bottoms, fuck. I felt myself getting hard already. "Gary! Please stop!" She screamed underneath me. I got her locked up between my legs so she couldn't get away. I finally stopped and moved my hands over her back massaging her softly. "Mmh...Gary..." she whispered.  I grinned, she enjoyed this. As I stopped she turned around facing me with her bright blue eyes. God she was perfect. I bend over, resting my forehead against hers and smiled.  "Did you buy-?" "Yes I did, don't worry." I cut her off resting my finger against her mouth. She smiled slightly pushing my lips down onto hers kissing me passionately. I thought back when we first met in that restaurant. Watching her there sitting alone looking pretty... From the very first second I knew she was the one for me. And look where we are now.

I smiled kissing her back sliding my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned moving her fingers through my hair as I pulled her bikini bottoms down with one hand. Fuck I wanted her so badly. I pulled away and looked down at my crotch. "Well someone's awake..." she giggled turning me over so now she was on top. Oh fuck no. I rested my head in the pillow while Eve moved her hand under the waistband of my boxers. "You need a hand?" She giggled pulling my boxers down. "Eve don't. Oh shit FUCK!" I groaned loud when she starting moving her hand up and down my length. Oh my god this felt so good. "You like that don't you?" "Mmmh..." "answer me Gary..." she started moving faster and harder now. Fuck this shit. "O yes Eve. O god!" I closed my eyes pushing my head further in the pillow as I held her left hand beside me. Oh fuck. I felt myself getting closer now, throbbing in her hand as she continued to move.

*Evelyns POV*

I looked up at Gary who had his eyes shut and breathed quickly now. I lowered my head and moved my tongue around his already wet tip making him groan loud. "Fuck Eve stop." He wispered softly. I grinned taking this as an encouragement to take him further in my mouth. I rested my hand on his waist as I started to suck, slowly at first taking him deeper every time. "Mmh.." Gary bit down in his bottom lip as he tightened his grip on my hand. I ran my teeth up his length slightly "O Eve stop. Please baby. Shit." Gary hardened inside my mouth as I took him as deep as I could. "O Yes baby that's it! O fuck, fuck!" He screamed as he shoot his warmth inside me load after load bucking his hips as he did. I swallowed quickly and licked my lips as I moved up resting my body on his.

"Satisfied?" I grinned. "Not even close." He whispered in my ear before rolling me over so I was underneath him. He grabbed something from the nightstand and shove it over his length before smashing himself inside me. I tried to move my hips in unison with his thrusts as he kept speeding up. "O fuck Gary!" I moaned as I felt myself climbing already.

*Gary's POV*

I looked down on Eve as I pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in hard. "OO SHIT! MMH..." She moaned biting down on her lip tightening her grip in my back. "Ooh that's it baby." I hissed as I kept pumping in and out fast. "Gary I'm gonna c- aahh oo fuck!" She screamed as she convulsed underneath me making me reach my limit too. I quickly pulled out of her and removed the condom before releasing myself all over her stomach.  I ran my hand up and down my lenght till I was fully spended. "Oh fuck." I crashed down beside her. Both panting heavily.

*Evelyn's POV*

"When are we going to search for Rob? I asked as our breaths were back to normal.  "Mm he can wait for now. . ." He grinned rolling on me again. He rested his elbows either side of my head while he brushed some hair out of my face. "I'm not finished yet..."

maandag 18 februari 2013

Chapter 35

"What no Eve, we can't." Gary pushed me down beside him. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "Why not?" "You forgot to take your pill remember?" He said standing up."But we also did it on the plane, what's the difference?" I asked while he dressed himself. "I used protection then... I don't have anything with me now." He grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulled it over his head while he looked down on me. "I'm going to buy some stuff, I'll be back in an hour okay?" "Don't forget to buy-.." "I won't !" And with that the door closed. I got up and pulled some clothes on as I walked downstairs. The bright sunlight blinded my eyes as I opened the doors to the beautiful garden. I could go for a swim I thought while I looked at the empty pool. I got back inside and searched for my bikini. I grinned putting it on. Gary will like this one, I thought. I grabbed a big towel and walked downstairs again.

My God the water was pretty hot here! I eased my way into the pool. The sunlight crashed down on the bright water, luckily I don't burn fast I thought when I noticed I forgot to put some cream on. I rested my head against the side wall of the pool while I overlooked the mountains. So beautiful. I sighed closing my eyes slowly and fell asleep.

"WATCH OUT!" I jumped up opening my eyes quickly as Gary jumped in the water right next to me. "You.. O. Gary I hate you!" I screamed pushing him away from me. "I love you to baby." He grabbed my waist pushing me closer to him as he kissed me passionately.  "Mmh m" he gilled as he pulled away. "You've messed up my hair you. I wanted to keep it dry." I giggled pulling my arms around his neck. "Too late..." "I'll get you back." I grinned. "Oh really? Well you'll have to catch me first." He whispered in my ear before he splashed another load of water over me. "Ooii you! Get here!" I screamed as Gary pulled himself out of the pool running into the house. The basterd. I'll fucking get him for this one. I climbed out and grabbed the towel before rushing inside. "Gary?" I screamed upstairs. No answer. Fine then I'll get him myself. I made my way upstairs and walked into the bedroom. No Gary. Where the hell is he? "Gary where are you? This is not funny!" I giggled slightly. "I'm over here!" I heard a soft voice whisper. Oh great the bathroom eh? Nice one Gary. I opened the door of the bathroom. "Gary?" I didn't saw anybody and turned around again. "AAH!" I yelled when somebody grabbed my waist from behind. "Sshh it's me!" "Gary! You..." I hissed. "yes? What am I?" He turned me around so I was facing him. "Nothing..." fuck he looked hot, water was still dripping of his body and his hair was perfectly messed up. "What did you want to call me Eve?" He whispered in my ear while he pushed me into the shower cabin."nothing..." I giggled while he started kissing my neck. "Mm really?" He mumbled unclapsing my bikini top and letting it fall on the ground. "I'm sure you did...tell me.." his face was millimeters away from mine as he looked deep into my eyes. I moved my hands behind my back grabbing the shower head while I pressed my lips against his as distraction. I smiled slightly as I turned on the shower still holding it behind my back. When it reached a good temperature I pulled away from Gary spraying the water in his face as I ran out the cabine...

zondag 17 februari 2013

Chapter 34

"Eve? Evelyn wake up sweetheart!" "Mm what?" I mumbled trying to open my eyes. "We're about to land, get dressed." Gary threw some clothes to my face while I sat up slowly. I was so tired, I didn't even knew why. "Gary?..." I screamed because he walked back to his seat again. "Yes, what's wrong babe?" "Come here you..." I pointed at the empty spot next to me while he walked in my direction.  "You should get dressed you know." He said throwing himself on the bed, his face resting against my chest. I played with his soft hair, twisting it around my finger. "We could stay here for a while..." he said looking up. "What? Here in L.A?" "Yes, why not? Just until the tour starts..." "Gary you know that's not possible you guys have rehearsals and stuff the months before..." "o shit, you're right... forgot about that..."  he mumbled...

We walked through the gate of LAX. It was quiet at the airport, which wasn't a big surprise for this time in the morning.  I had a bit of a jet lag to be honest, fucking time difference. "Do you even know where to go Gaz?" "Yeah I think so..." he said not convinced with himself either. We walked hand in hand while Gary pushed our stuff infront of him looking at the directions constantly.  "Ah this way, now I remember!" He grinned pulling me behind him. After a few minutes we were outside waiting for a taxi, it was hot here. A bit too hot. Gary wiped away some sweat from his forehead while he watched over the road. "Shall we go to the hotel first?" I asked supposing he would like a shower. "Hotel? We're not going to an hotel Eve..." he grinned. "Gary...." "trust me, you'll love it..." he planted a kiss on my forehead while the taxi arrived. We put our stuff in the back and got in. "Where to go sir?" "2679 astral drive... " Gary said while he winked at me at the same time.

45 minutes later we pulled up at this enormous mansion in the hills. I turned around looking at Gary who just sat next to me with a huge smile on his face. The basterd. "Thanks, here you go." He gave the driver some notes and grabbed our bags. "You coming then?" He said while I was still overlooking the gorgeous view. "Y-yes..." I turned around and followed Gary. This house was just to beautiful,  I've never seen anything like it. "I always stay here when I'm in L.A. I'm thinking about buying it. What do you think?" I couldn't even speak,  I was so overwhelmed by everything that I could only look at his face which turned into confusion.  "Hello?? Eve?" He giggled pulling me into his lap. We sat on the sofa overlooking the mountains for a while. Gary wrapped his arms around me while I rested my head against his chest. I could easily fall asleep. "Gary I'm tired." I mumbled while he twisted our fingers together.  "Me too..." he whispered in my ear. "Come on let's go to bed..." he stood up and carried me to the bedroom. Laying me down on the bed. He closed the curtains and got in as well, pulling the duvets over us. "We'll stay here the next month..." he said when I was about to close my eyes. "I would love that..." I whispered.

"Mm Gary.. fuck me baby.." I groaned while he teared  the clothes of my body. He was so fucking hard,  I could see him throbbing already. "Put your legs around my waist." He growled  while he rested his tip against my entrance. I did what he asked and moaned loud when he grabbed my waist tight in his hands. "Gary please..." "what do you want babe?" "Mm you." "Really?" He looked up raising his eyebrows. I was so turned on if he's going to wait any longer I might break down. "OO Gary FUCK..." I screamed when he slammed himself inside me. He thrusted hard into me holding onto my waist. "Shit, fuck baby." He growled as he kept speeding up. I could feel myself getting closer and closer while I digged my nails in his back causing him to groan. "Mm Fuck Eve..." he screamed grabbing my leg and moving it further up his waist. I looked him in his eyes while he moved out of me slowly. "Gary noo! Go on!" I screamed.

"Eve? Baby what's wrong?" Gary asked looking up at me immediately when I sat up in bed. I looked down on him, fuck he was shirtless. "Gary..." "yes?" He raised his eyebrows, looking at me confused as I climbed on him resting my legs either side of his waist. I bend over resting my lips against his ear. "Make love to me..."

vrijdag 15 februari 2013

Chapter 33

"W-what? L.A.? But why?" I stuttered. "I think we'll find Rob there. And since he's not answering any of our calls we'll go to him." Gary placed our bags near the front door and walked towards me. "But baby are you sure he'll be there? What if he isn't?" "I know he is..." Gary sighed holding me in his strong arms. "... he's always there when times get rough. No one knows him, no camera's, just Rob in his own world." He gave me a little kiss and looked me in he eyes. "Shall we go then?" "Do you already have the tickets?" I asked surprised.  "No, but there's no need to." A huge grin appeared on his face. Oh fuck he probably arranged something....

*a few hours later...*

"You're totally crazy, you know that right?" I giggled slamming his arm softly. "Mmm I don't care, if you want to take another plane it's fine by me." He laughed stretching his arms out. We were about to take of with this private jet that Gary arranged.  He's crazy, he really is. I looked outside the window when the plane flew into the air. "Hope there are no storms coming up." Gary sighed. "Why's that? Is Barlow scared? " I giggled resting my forehead against his. "I'm not scared! " "o yes you are, I can see it!" I laughed while I grabbed a paper.

"Attention please,  we're having some turbulence at the moment, please fasten your seat belts. Thank you." "O great, I fucking hate turbulence." Gary mumbled fastening his belt. I laughed silently doing the same. "Don't laugh at me you!" "I'm sorry Gaz, it's just funny to see you getting scared about some turbulence." I giggled squeezing his tigh. "When that stupid seat belt light is off I'll get you for that one you know." He whispered in my ear."Oh no you won't." "I fucking will..." he grinned looking at the light. Suddenly the plane started to shake heavily and Gary grabbed his seat tight in his hands looking at me with scared eyes. I couldn't help myself from bursting out in laughter. "Gary you're such a child!" "Shut up..." "haha o God."

Fifteen minutes later the turbulence was almost over and Gary was staring at me, I could see him from my eye corner. I smiled looking out of the window. Suddenly I felt his warm breath against my neck causing chills all over my body. He kissed me softly moving up to my ear. He placed his hand on the side of my face turning me around. He looked me deeply in my eyes before pressing his lips against mine. Kissing me passionately.  My hands found their way through his hair while I mirrored his actions. "Mm come with me..." he wispered nibbling at my ear. He unfastened his seatbelt and pulled me behind him towards the bedroom. (Yes there was a fucking bedroom in the plane...) he opened the door and turned me around against it, kissing me hard. "Get this off..." he growled tugging at my shirt. I did what he said and threw my shirt somewhere across the room. He started kissing my neck, sucking on my pulse points. His hands striking my back. "Mmmh Gary..." I moaned resting my head against the door, closing my eyes slightly as Gary continued. He pulled away and threw me on the bed while he stripped down infront of me before bending over, resting his warm body on mine. I quickly got rid of my jeans snd knickers while Gary stroked the side of my face slowly never losing eye contact.  "You're so gorgeous,  you know that?" Gary said while his hands ran over my breasts moving down." My cheeks turned red causing him to giggle. "Mmm...." I groaned while Gary pushed himself inside me. Fuck he was hard, he started moving in and out hitting all the right spots. "O shit..." he hissed resting his forehead against mine continuing his actions. "Faster Gary..." I moaned while I dugged my nails in his back. He speeded up thrusting into me deep, filling me completely every time. I felt myself climbing higher and higehr while he continued.  "O Fuck yes! O god!" He screamed emptying himself inside me while I also reached my orgasm. He continued to thrust till we were both fully spended. "O Gary...." I whispered while he pulled himself out of me, collapsing down beside me. I stroke his little hair at the back of his head while he looked at me with his eyes half open. "I love you so much Eve..." he mumbled raising his head so it was just millimetres away from mine. "I love you too." I pressed my lips against his kissing him tenderly.  He pulled away after a moment pushing my head down on imhis chest. "Have some sleep..." he whispered in my ear while he pulled the duvets over me.

woensdag 13 februari 2013

Chapter 32

"So that's kinda what we know for sure..." the officer sighed. I just gasped at him the entire time. This could not be true, it couldn't be true. "S-so Robbie has nothing to do with this?" I asked. "No, nothing at all." He stood up handing the security tapes over at Gary. "I won't need these anymore. We already caught the suspect and he'll be accused. He'll probably go to jail for a few years, he's done these kind of things before, pretending to be Robbie and hurt his friends. He knew you were still funerable because of your past you know." "Y-yeah well, thanks..." Gary looked at me, frightening in his eyes. "What the hell are we gonna do with Rob now?" He whispered. I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles softly. "We need to get in contact with him. As soon as possible." The officer looked down at us. "We haven't heard from mr. Williams for three months..." he said taking a sip of his hot coffee. "Do you know where he could possibly be?" Gary asked standing up. "Don't have a clue, do you want to report a missing?" He already grabbed a piece of paper while he waited for our response.  "No, no I'll look for him first. But I'll contact you if I don't get in contact with him, thanks." We shook his hand and walked out.

Gary unlocked the gate of his house and drove the car into the garage.  "I feel so unbelievably bad about all this..." he sighed while he rested his hands on the steering wheel.  I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it slightly. "We'll find him Gary..." I said, but even I didn't know if that was true. The last time Rob dissappeared he stayed away for a long time. "He probably thinks I hate him... O FUCK THIS SHIT!" Gary slammed his hand hard on the dashboard making me jump. He got out and slammed the door behind him. Leaving me in the car, I better let him cool down a bit instead of chasing behind him. I got out and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. 

Half an hour passed by before
Gary came back. He rested his head against the wall standing in the doorway. He was totally sodden. "O Gary, come here!" I walked over and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly resting his head on my shoulder. "I don't want to lose him again Eve, not again..." I moved my hand through his hair softly.  "You won't Gaz, you won't..." I whispered in his ear. It felt like he was crying, I pulled away and looked him in his teary eyes. "Come on let's get you dressed, you look awfull." I dragged him behind me to the bedroom. "What if he's into drugs again because of this?" He mumbled while I sat him down on the bed. "He's not that stupid Gaz, I'm sure he won't do that again..." I said walking into his walk-in closet searching for some nice clothes. I grabbed some black jeans and a burgundy red shirt. "Here you go." I smiled handing him over the clothes.  I bend over and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. Holding his face in my hands. "Mmhh..." Gary groaned while I pulled away. "You change yourself, I will get dinner ready yeah?" "I'll be right there." He smiled holding my hands in his. I walked out of the room heading downstairs to the kitchen. Ten minutes later while I placed the plates on the table I heard a loud sound coming from the stairs. "Gary? You're okay?" I screamed while I grabbed some other things. "Y-yes..." I looked over my shoulder while Gary got into the kitchen. My jaw dropped. "Gary why did you pack our bags?" "We're going to L.A. baby..."

dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Chapter 31

"Y-yes I'm pretty sure why?" "Because the police told me that Robbie was at the police station at the time..." I almost chocked in my tea. Fuck. How is that it even possible. "But Gary how? That's not possible when he was with me doing all those things..." "I know I find it strange too. They asked me to bring some security tapes in. So I will just grab those and bring them. You're staying here or not?" "No, no I'm coming with you of course! " I jumped of my seat, grabbed my coat and walked out.

"So here are the tapes, I don't know if you can find anything. I looked at them several times and he looks like Robbie so..." Gary handed the tapes over to some big fat police officer who was staring at me the whole time. It was getting enoying and Gary noticed. "Can you just call us if you find something? I've got an important meeting in half an hour." "Yeah well. I will look at it... I'll ring you tomorrow." We stood up shook his hand and walked out. "Did you see him staring at me for the whole time?" I said when we're walking back towards Gary's car. "I wanted to slap him in the face..." he said opening the door for me. I got in and grinned resting my elbow just below the window. Gary started the engine and drove off.

"Where're you going? This is not the way home..." I looked up surprised as he took the wrong exit. "O nothing..." he grinned while he pulled over. "Gary..." I looked at him rasing my eyesbrows. "O come on just a little surprise, now you're coming or not?" He said holding the door open for me. "Oo alright then..." I sighed getting out. Gary pulled his arm around my waist while we walked through the street.  After about five minutes he stopped in front of an expensive looking jewellery shop. "No Gary I'm not getting in there..." "o come on you..." he pushed me inside the shop closing the door behind him. Great no turning back. He didn't have to do this. Gary turned towards me holding me in his arms. "I want to buy you something special,  you know we've been together for six months so I thought..." I giggled kissing him tenderly.  "You're to good for me." "No I'm not, you're amazing you deserve it." He gave me a quick kiss before pulling me after him.

"You didn't have to buy the most expensive one Gaz..." I laughed walking out of the store. "It was the most beautiful one though..." he grinned. O god, not that grin again. He opened the door for me when suddenly his phone began to rang. "Well that's fast..." he said after he saw where the call was coming from. "Gary Barlow... uhu... well  ermm yes.." Gary sat down next to me staring over the steering wheel.  "Okay... yeah we'll be there right away.. ok bye." He hung up and looked at me. "They think it was someone else who looked and sounded like Rob..." "W-What?!" "Yeah I know it sounds weird, he didn't tell me everything yet... they might know who it was as well." "But Gary what about the first time. .. you know when you kicked him to the floor.. was that also not..." I was totally confused, my mind was going crazy. That's not even possible... Gary just looked at me with confusion in his eyes as well. "We're going to the police station now..."

Chapter 30

"Nothing?" "No nothing... I don't have a clue where he is or could be..." Gary said placing his phone on the kitchen table again. It's been three months since my miscarriage and Rob tried to call us daily for over 2 months, but Gary didn't want to speak to him. And to be honest neither did I. Strangely we haven't heard of him in the last 30 days and Gary got worried in some kind of way. I still don't know what to think about the whole situation. I'm having nightmares at least twice a week and my mind is going crazy over almost everything. Gary has been a great support for me, he carried me all the way through and still does. I couldn't describe how much I loved him. I knew that he was hurting inside as well but he tried to digg it away.

"Gary come to bed baby, you look exhausted. .." I bend over and grabbed him by his arms pulling him down on the bed. He looked up at me, deep concern in his eyes. "I don't get It Eve, I just don't understand..." he sighed pulling the duvets up and resting is head in te pillow while he stared at the ceiling. "Why would he cause a miscarriage in the first place. That's not like Rob. And then he calls us every day for two months. And now he's gone..." I moved my arm over his stomach resting my head on his chest. "I don't know... I really don't know." "You know what the strangest thing is though?" He said looking me in the eyes. "That he wanted to make his record with me so badly to prove that we're all fine and that... and then he does this. It doesn't even make sense does it?" I tought for a moment running my fingers over Gary's chest. "No it doesn't make sense at all. We'll talk about it tomorrow okay? You need sleep." I said kissing him softly on his warm lips. He moved his hand to my cheek striking it slowly before pulling away. "I don't need sleep I just need you..." he said grabbing my hand and moving it over his crotch. "Shit Gary..." I giggled. "it's all your fault though..." he said pushing me underneath him. "O really?" "Mmmh.." he kissed my neck softly while his removed my panties in one quick movement.  "You're so beautiful Eve..." he mumbled against my ear resting his already wet tip against my entrance.  "Mm Gary... please..." I groaned moving my hips up slightly. Gary pushed himself inside me picking up a steady pace while he continued kissing my neck. "O shit Gary.... mm" I clawed my hands behind his neck pushing him further in me while I moved my legs around his waist slightly.  Gary kept moving in and out of me getting quicker each time. "Ooo yes Eve, o baby come on..." He groaned while I felt myself climbing higher and higher. "Ooo fuck GARY! Ahhh..." I screamed while I reached my limit convulsing around him. Gary kept thrusting till he also came, pouring his liquids inside me till he was fully spended. "O God. Mmh that was so good." He groaned pulling out of me resting his head in his pillow trying to get his breath back...

The next morning Gary phoned the police to tell about the situation. He sounded surprised to me. I was wondering if they knew something about Rob. While Gary said goodbye he looked me deep in the eyes. "Eve are you absolutely sure that it was Robbie who kicked you?"

zondag 10 februari 2013

Chapter 29

"He.. h-he did things to me Gary..."  

"What did he do Eve?" Gary brushes his fingers through my hair softly while I was still crying against his shoulder. "Shh... it's okay baby you can tell me." I pulled away looking him in he eyes. "H-he wanted me to strip down infront of him... a-and..." I shighed deeply several times trying to get myself together.. "he wanted me to sort him out..." I closed my eyes resting my head in Gary's chest again. "But I didn't want to Gary, so I tried to kick him out of the house but he is was to strong and then..." tears were burning behind my eyes again as I looked up at Gary. "He kicked me in my stomach."
There was a silence filling the room. Gary looked at me with heartbroken eyes. "Evelyn... did you bleed?" He asked with cracking voice. "A little..." "O my God, Eve I'm taking you to the hospital right now..." Gary grabbed me at my waist pulling me behind him. He grabbed our coats and ran to his car. Keeping the door open for me as he quickly sat down himself in the driver's seat. He drove way too fast and dangerous so I grabbed the passengers seat tight underneath me. "Baby be carefull." 

What normally takes half an hour we arrived at the hospital in ten minutes.. Gary jumped out the car and opened my door helping me up. He moved his arm around my waist as he quickly walked towards the entrance. It was quiet in the hall, there was no one to be seen.

*Gary's POV*

I ran to the information desk where a blond girl was typing away on her computer.  "Excuse me, I think my girlfriend has had a miscarriage.  Is there someone available to check?" The woman looked up at me widening her eyes. O no not now... "y-yeah sure let me check." She looked down on her screen. "Mr. Brown is available. He's in room 4 over there I'll call him." She pointed at a door at the other side of the hall. I pulled Evelyn behind me walking towards the door. I knocked a few times before walking in.

*Evelyn's POV*

Mr. Brown shook our hands and pointed at the bed. "You can lay down there and remove your shirt as I will grab some things okay? " I nodded quickly and pulled my shirt over my head. I gave it to Gary as I made myself as comfortable as possible on the hard bed. Gary sat down beside me and grabbed my hand. Kissing my knuckles softly. "Did you lose a lot of blood?" Mr. Brown asked while he walked into the room again. "I can't really remember but I think it was quite a bit..." I said looking at him. He put some gel on my belly before moving over it with the cold transducer.  I looked quickly towards the screen but I couldn't make out anything of what I saw.

*Gary's POV*

I looked hopefully to the doctor who was still moving that weird thing over Eve's belly. "Can you see anything?" I asked after a moment when he was still searching on the screen. I looked down at Evelyn who looked back at me with scared eyes. I stroke my hand over her forehead hoping she would relax a bit more. But she kept shaking slightly.  Mr. Brown pulled the gear away and looked down at us. He looked from Eve to me and back leting out a sigh. "I'm afraid you've had a miscarriage..."

zaterdag 9 februari 2013

Chapter 28

Here's the next chaper guys, sorry it took so long but school was stressing me out with all those tests and stuff. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!

*A few hours later...*

Gary went away for a few hours, he had some kind of meeting with his manager. I was still in bed feeling sick. I heard the door handle moving, Gary walked in. "Hiya Sweetheart how are you feeling?" Gary kissed my forehead softly striking my cheek with his hand. "I'm alright I guess..." I mumbled pushing myself up against the headboard. "Dinner is at seven, do you want to go or do you want to stay here?" "I think I'll stay here, sorry." I actually really wanted to go with Gary. But by the way I felt it would be better if I didn't. "That's okay, I'll just ring Howard that we pass okay?" Gary pulled away grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "But Gary you can still go!" I said striking his back. "No I wil stay here with you. I will make us something yeah?" He gave me a quick kiss before walking out.
"Eve are you coming? It's ready!" Gary screamed from the kitchen.  I stood up and grabbed a burgundy hoodie from Gary. I walked down the stairs pulling it over my head. The gorgeous smell of beef entered my nose. I didn't know he could cook like that!  I walked into the kitchen when I saw a perfect dinned table. "Surprise!" Gary pulled me into one of those perfect hugs. I smiled resting my head against his shoulder. "Did you all did this yourself?" I asked pulling away. He grabbed a seat and sat down at the other side of the table. "Yeah with some help from a friend..." he grinned. O god he should really stop that, I can't deal with it anymore. "O really? Which friend?" I asked cheekily as I moved my hand over his. "Is he still here then?" Gary turned red immediately, I knew it! He couldn't cook like this, it was way to delicious.  "No he just left..." he smiled taking a sip of his red whine. "Well who was it then?" "You don't know him..." "I bet I do know." "No you don't. " "what do I get if I'm right?" There was a silence for a moment. I got him haha. Now he has to tell me. He looked up staring in my eyes. "I will think about that..." he grinned before eating the last piece of his beef.

"Come on Gary who was it?" I asked one last time looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "O come on don't look at me like that!" He whispered. "Why not?!" "Because then I will feel sorry for you. .." I laughed reaching for my glass of whine. "It was Jamie." I chocked immediately.  "Y-you mean Jamie? THE Jamie? Jamie like Oliver?" Gary looked at me confused. "Uh yeah... why?" "O. MY. GOD. Gary I've had a crush on him for so long you can't even imagine.  He's like heaven on earth. I mean the hair and o god his eyes. And the way he touches his ingredients o my god. Have you ever noticed?  Gary why didn't you call me? I would've jumped out of bed and... oh gosh.." 

Gary looked at me like I was some crazy fangirling mum. "Are you serious?" He asked with widened eyes. I couldn't hold myself from bursting out in laughter. "No ofcourse not you crazy." I giggled grabbing his hands. "You scared me you know?" He said standing up from his seat. "Do you want anything else?" "Only if Jamie made it." I responded cheekily.  "Oi, now stop it. I'm really going to feel bad." He said cleaning the table. I grabbed our plates putting them in the dishwasher.  While I bend over I felt two hands on either side of my hips. "Gary don't." I said turning around to face him. "Mm why not?" He pressed his soft lips against mine kissing me tenderly. His hands made their way up my back making me shiver. He pushed me towards the table again our mouths never losing eachother.  I ran my hands through his hair as he slipped his tongue inside. I groaned mirroring his actions. His hands moved to my front tugging at my hoody.
I pulled away facing him. "I can't Gary I'm sorry." I looked to the ground trying to hold back the tears. "Ho Eve! Baby what's wrong?" Gary said lifting my face up with his right hand. He looked at me with concerned eyes. I couldn't do this. Not now. Not after what happened this afternoon. I burst out in tears and ran upstairs. I let myself fall on the bed grabbing a pillow and dugged my face deep in it. Seconds later I felt Gary's hand moving over my back. "Shh baby what's wrong? Tell me please..." he said soflty trying to calm me down. I turned around facing him, I would probably look like a mess as my mascara wasn't waterproof.  I ran my hands underneath my eyes and they turned black immediately.  Great. I dugged my face against his shoulder leaving black marks all over his shirt. "Shh calm down baby, it's alright..." Gary whispered softly in my ear while his hand stroked my hair.

"You want to tell me what's wrong?"
He asked after a few moments. I looked up at him letting out a deep sigh while my breath still chocked. "You know when you went away this afternoon for a few hours... " I said looking down at my hands. "Y-yes... don't tell me you had a miscarriage Eve..." he said grabbing my hands tight. "No, no it's not that." "O thank god! " he let out a relieved sigh. "it's just... Robbie.. he.. came over again..." Tears were streaming down my face again, i tried to wipe them away with my hands but Gary pulled them away from my eyes, looking at me. He looked so worried. Oh god how am I ever going to tell him this... "what happened Eve?" He said pulling me into his strong arms again." "He.. h-he did things to me Gary..."  

dinsdag 5 februari 2013

Chapter 27

"Just leave us alone okay, I don't want to see you anymore. I'm done with you, you understand?  D.O.NE. !!" A loud bang followed. Gary had smashed his phone against the wall. "What's wrong baby?" I asked striking my hand over Gary's back. I woke up earlier by the sound of his phone and listened to the conversation. There is not much to say about it actually.  Gary was just swearing into the phone getting more and more angry with the second. I looked down at his broken iPhone that was lying in pieces on the floor. What the hell did Robbie say that made him so angry. I looked up at Gary's face, he was red, boiling red and full of anger. "I need to go for a walk." He hissed before he got out of bed grabbing his jacket. I watched him walking around in the garden from the balcony.  As long as he's not leaving I'm okay I thought climbing back into bed. Fifteen minutes later Gary laid down next to me, pulling my body firmly against his keeping me warm. He rested his head on my shoulder as I squeezed his hand slightly.  "Are you going to tell what that was about?" I asked mumbling. "Mmhr tomorrow okay? You need sleep now." He kissed my neck soflty before we both fell into a deep sleep...

The next morning I woke up feeling sick again. Fucking great, I thought it would be over by now but it clearly wasn't. I pushed Gary's arm away and ran to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. A few seconds later I felt Gary's hand making contact with my back. "Are you still feeling ill after three months? I thought it would be over..." he said as he pulled some hair out of my face. He pulled me up holding me tight in his strong arms. "I thought so too..." I said as I dugged my face deeper In his chest. He stroke my hair with his hand while the other rested around my shoulders keeping me close to him. "It will be over soon I think..." he said as he loosened his grip looking me in the eyes. "Hiya, chin up you! I have a special party tonight and I want you to come with me alright?" I looked up in his green eyes that showed a twinkle.

"What kind of party is it?" I asked after I washed myself and  walked back to bed. I got back in and rested my head against Gary's side as he leaned against the headboard. "Oo just a nice dinner with some friends..." he said running his fingers over my shoulder. "But if you don't feel well enough I won't go..." I lifted my face looking up at him. He was so beautiful,  holy shit he looked hot with that messy hair. Jesus. "What?" "O nothing I like your hair like that..." I said climbing further up on his body. I bend forward pushing my forehead against his while I stroke his chest with my hands. "It looks really hot." I pushed my lips against his kissing him hard. "Mm really?" He groaned rolling me over so he was on top. "And you always say that i need to go to the hairdresser huh?" He moved down kissing my neck, sucking on my pulse points. "Gary..." I moaned running my fingers through his hair as he rested his chin on my belly. "You want me?" He said slowly unclasping my bra letting it fall on the floor. I just nodded in response. He flicked his tongue over my nipple causing chills all over my body. "You want me Eve?" He asked again as he moved down kissing just below my belly button while his hands removed my panties. I bucked my hips slightly, he was fucking messing around with me again. "Gary please... " I moaned tugging at his arms pulling him over me. I moved my legs around his waist as he kissed my neck again. I felt his hard erection pressing against my entrance as Gary looked me in the eyes. "Sshh be quiet..." he whispered before pushing himself into me painfully slowly. I moaned softly as he finally filled me entirely. He moved almost all the way out again before thrusting back in. "You like that don't you?" He whispered in my ear as he started to speed up. I just groaned in response digging my nails in his back as I felt myself climbing. Gary kept thrusting into me deep as I was on the edge of my orgasm. "Shit Gary. .." I hissed dropping my head deeper into  the pillow. "Mm Come for me Eve." He growled as he grabbed onto my thigh pushing as deep into me as possible. "O GARY FUCK!! O shit baby!" I screamed out as I finally reached my limit. After another few thrust Gary reached his orgasm as well spilling his warmth inside me load after load. "Oo fuck Eve... o my god." He shouted as he filled me once more like an exploading volcano. "O my..." he sighed as he finally finished his release. I grabbed his face kissing him passionately as his hands ran through my hair. He pulled away after a moment laying down beside me out of breath... "I love you Gary..." I said as I closed my eyes again. "I love you to..."

vrijdag 1 februari 2013

Chapter 26

Here's the next chapter hope you enjoy!!

 ‘’Well what are you gonna say then when they ask you why you’re late?’’ I said half moaning when he dropped kisses down my stomach before kissing me there. ‘’fuck Gary, stop.’’ I hissed when he flicked his tongue causing chills all over my body. He was driving me insane and he fucking knew it all too well. I grabbed his elbows  pulling him up so I could kiss him again, ‘’I’m so hard Eve, please sort it out quick okay?’’ he whispered in my ear. I moaned turning him over so I was on top, I moved my hand over his rock hard erection before pulling his jeans down along with his boxers. Fuck he was hard.  ‘’please Eve…’’ he moaned closing his eyes moving his hands over my bum. ‘’what do you want?’’ I said kissing down his neck. ‘’you know what I want…’’ suddenly he grabbed my back turning me over, I pulled my legs up moving them around his waist. Without warning he slammed himself inside me filling me completely with every thrust. ‘’o Gary shit!’’ I moaned as he started grinding his body against me, doing everything he knew would drive me crazy. He grabbed the side of my leg pulling it further up his waist letting him go deeper and deeper every time. ‘’O God, Fuck..’’ he shouted as he fastened his speed. I bucked my hips meeting his with every thrust making him groan load. ‘’Shit Eve, FUCK!’’ I digged my nails In his back when I felt every muscle in my body starting to tense. ‘’Gary I’m c-…FUCK ! O SHIT GARY!’’ I screamed out riding my orgasm. Gary groaned against my neck when he spill his warmth inside me. ‘’FUCK Eve FUCk you’re so good…’’ He collapsed on top of me when he finished his release, our hot, sweating body’s sticking together while our breaths fill the room. ‘’I love you Gary…’’ I whispered softly against his shoulder.

He pulled himself up stepping out of bed searching for his clothes. I looked down on him while he fastened his trousers, ‘’You’re so fit…’’ I moaned resting my head against the headboard. ‘’It should be illegal.’’ He laughed walking over to me, I held my arms open when Gary bend over kissing me passionately. ‘’I’m so fucked…’’ he said when he planted a final kiss on my lips.  ‘’Yeah you are… in two ways…’’ I said cheekily  biting down on my bottom lip. ‘’Don’t do that…’’ ‘’Why not?’’ ‘’Because it’s doing things to me…’’ he whispered before pulling away grabbing his jacket. ‘’Have fun…’’ ‘’Thanks sweetheart. I’ll be back soon okay?’’ he gave me a final kiss before walking through the door…

*a few days later…*

Gary and I were waiting in the hospital for a normal check-up. I was 13 weeks on the way now, but I felt nervous for some reason. ‘’What’s wrong baby?’’ Gary said moving his hand over my leg. ‘’Nothing, I’m just nervous… I don’t know why…’’ I looked down moving my hand over his. ‘’it’ll all be fine okay?’’ he said kissing my cheek. ‘’Evelyn?’’ a doctor’s voice interrupted us. “oo yes that’s me.’’ I stood up pulling Gary along behind me. He smashed my bum slightly while we walked into the room. ‘’Oi, stop that!’’ I said turning around meeting his eyes. ‘’sorry.’’ He grinned as we he sat down beside me.  I was happy the doctor was a man, so he didn’t pay much attention to Gary. ‘’This is going to be a little bit cold, but you know that…’’ I nodded looking at the screen next to me. ‘’Well, here it is.. let me see…’’ he moved the thing around pressing slightly in my belly. I looked at Gary who was staring at the screen with twinkles in his eyes. He looked so cute… ‘’Okay.. well everything seems fine to me…’’ the doctor said still looking at the monitor. ‘’Can you already tell if it’s a boy or a girl?’’ Gary asked. ‘’No not yet… But I’m sure we can find out next time.’’ He said looking down at us. ‘’You want a picture of it?’’ ‘’Yes!’’ I answered. ‘’Alright then… I will be right back.’’ He pulled the gear away so I could fix myself up. ‘’I don’t think I want to know what it’s going to be…’’ I said looking down at Gary. ‘’Are you sure?’’ he said pulling me into a hug… ‘’Well not yet but it would be a bigger surprise…’’ I said tightening my arms around his waist.  ‘’mmm shame, I already had a name if it's going to be a boy...’’ ‘’O really?’’ I said looking up at him. ‘’What did you think of?’’ He moved forward resting his lips against my ear. ‘’Gary Junior…’’