zaterdag 5 januari 2013

Chapter 1

Hi guys! Well this is my first fanfic ever, and since i started reading a lot of GB fanfics i decided let's give it a try. Sorry for my bad english sometimes (i'm from Holland, that's the problem) but i hope you enjoy it!     Feedback is always welcome, just tweet me @GBrulestheworld

I was sitting in one of my favorite restaurants in London waiting  for my best friend to arrive. I was always the one who came a little bit earlier just to get to know the place better, although I’ve been here many times before, i don't know I just liked the whole atmosphere i guess... We would see each other around 6 but she still hasn’t arrived. I settled myself somewhere in a corner just because you've a little bit of privacy unlike in the bigger area where you could literaly follow every conversation you wanted. 
A few more minutes passed by and I was getting a little bit worried so I decided to call. 
After a few seconds she answered; ‘Hi, oo no shit Evelyn, o god I’m sorry I totally forgot.
I was about to call you this morning,  I can’t come tonight. Dan is in the hospital,
he’s had an accident with his car. I’m so sorry!’  I waited a few seconds
till I answered that excuse, just thinking about spending the evening all alone
here in one of my favorite restaurants made me feel quite sick actually…

‘oo well, yeah that’s too bad. I hope it’s nothing serious, guess I will see you later then…’
okay Evelyn that was the most pathetic answer you could give, shit I should’ve
said I would come and see her but I just couldn’t get it out of my mouth.
I was a little bit angry with her to be honest, why didn’t she fucking call me this morning? 
If she did i wouldn't be sitting here alone at this table in a corner of a freaking expensive
restaurant. How pathetic did i look"...
‘we’ll go out very soon I promise, I’m so sorry Eve I really am.
But I’ve got to go now, hope you still have a nice time over there, maybe you’ll meet a nice guy or something. Haha no just joking, bye bye!’ ‘ yeah bye’.

Well that went well didn’t it. So now I’m all alone here in this restaurant. Just me and my glass of red in front of me. ‘Well then we’re going to have a great night together aren’t we? I said looking at the glass.
'Just the two of us until you are empty and I’m drunk.’ I rolled my eyes thinking about the 'great' evening ahead of me when I suddenly felt a warm hand resting on my shoulder…

‘You are having a tough time, am I right?’ a sweet voice spoke to me.
The warm hand slipped away and the man walked to the chair in front of me.
‘Can I sit here?’ he asked. ‘yeah sure.’ I answered, still looking down and not even knowing
who was talking to me. ‘Are you waiting for someone?’
Man, can you just shut up and leave alone, i'm really not in the mood to talk right now...
‘yes I was but she just called me telling she can’t come’. I looked up and my eyes widened immediately.
O my god… This cannot be true, Evelyn you’re dreaming, bite yourself RIGHT NOW.
‘errr… I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself, my name is Gary’.
I couldn’t say anything, I was just staring at the gorgeous man in front of me.
He was wearing a burgundy red shirt underneath his beautiful sleek grey jacket.
And god he smelled good, I just stared at him for what seemed like hours…
‘hello?! he shook my hand and with that my whole body began to shake…

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