maandag 21 januari 2013

Chapter 19

HI guys, here's the next chapter, sorry if it's a bit short.
Hope you enjoy it, thank for reading all!

*two weeks later*

Gary, Rob and I sat in the living room talking about the situation with the two of them and the other boys. They were still not sure if they should make an album together or not. They just released their new album with the five of them and it went straight to number one obviously. Last week I met Gary’s mum, she was so lovely, although we didn’t tell her I was pregnant yet. We didn’t have to tell my parents, they both died a few years ago during a car crash when they were on holiday but they loved Take That and Gary so I guess they would be happy for me as long as I was happy. It was getting late when I got Gaz and Rob another glass of red. ‘Gary, I’m going to bed… I feel tired.’ I walked towards the sofa and bend over to give him a kiss. ‘Okay sweetheart, I’ll be there soon ye?’ ‘That’s okay…’ I walked over to Rob and gave him a big hug before walking up the stairs to the bathroom.

‘Eve? Eve are you still awake?’ Gary stroke some hair out of my face and moved his warm soft hand over my cheek. ‘mm-h…’ was all I could respond, I was so tired… ‘mm okay go to sleep then… we’ll talk about it tomorrow…’ he wrapped his left arm around my waist pressing his body closer to mine, his face resting on my shoulder. ‘Talk ‘bout what?’ I murmured. ‘nothing, just go to sleep now alright? You need it.’ He placed a soft kiss down my neck before we both fell asleep…

The following morning I woke up by the blinding sunlight that was shining though the small gab between the curtains. I was still lying in Gary’s arms, I could feel his calm breath against my skin. ‘Gaz?’ ‘mmm-h yeah?’ okay he’s awake… I got out bed and opened the curtains, it was a beautiful view from Gary’s balcony. I opened the doors and the wind blew calmly though my hair. Autumn was coming and the colors turned to orange, red and brown. I loved autumn, the nature looked to romantic… I was dreaming away again, that happened a lot the last few days… 

Gary pulled his arms around me, holding me tight from behind. He was only wearing his boxers. O shit.  ‘You slept well?’ he said kissing my cheek.  I moved my hands over to his and hold him tight. ‘yeah I did.’ We stood there for a moment both enjoying the view. ‘Beautiful isn’t it?’ I said. ‘Not as beautiful as you two though...’ Gary pulled me into his lap after he settled himself on the little sofa standing in the corner of the balcony. ‘What did you want to talk about yesterday?’ I said resting my head on his chest. ‘oo nothing.’ ‘No, Gary tell me.’ I raised my head up and looked him in his deep green eyes. ‘It’s just, you see… er--.’ ‘come on Gaz what’s wrong?’ I was getting worried now, he looked concerned. He wasn’t going to say that he didn’t want this baby anymore was he?  ‘it’s just we’ve got a little problem, well I got mostly…’ he was shuffling on the settee now. Fuck Gary just tell me what the problem is… ‘Well what is it?’ I said a little bit pushing. ‘It’s about the… the baby…’ he pulled his eyes away from me looking down to the ground. ‘What’s with the baby? You don’t want it anymore?’ ‘NO, NO of course not, I want it. It’s just that the timing is a little bit wrong…’ WHAT?! ‘But Gary I don’t understand why?’ I moved away from his lap and took my place next to him. ‘I won’t be there when it’s born…’

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