woensdag 16 januari 2013

Chapter 16

Gary threw me on the bed climbing over me. I couldn’t stop laughing he was acting way to cute. ‘Would you stop?!’ ‘Haha no I won’t stop, you’re too funny’ I giggled. ‘O am I?’ he said kissing my neck softly. ‘yes, you are!’ He started to unbutton my blouse but never stopped kissing me like he always did. I ran my hands through his now messed up hair. ‘You need to see a hairdresser.’ I said, still laughing when he reached the top of my jeans. ‘Why’s that?’ he murmured pulling my jeans down. ‘Because it’s a mess, I could do it if you want…’ ‘No you don’t’ he said climbing on top of me again. I looked him in his deep green eyes. ‘I will mr. Barlow, I will.’ I pulled him closer kissing his lips. I slipped my tongue inside exploring every corner of his mouth. I tasted red wine, like always. I pulled his shirt over his head overlooking his perfect chest. ‘You pervert’ he said while he noticed me looking down. ‘O shut up you.’ I grabbed his face and pulled him down again, when I felt his hard erection against my thigh. When did he undue his jeans? Doesn’t matter anyway I wanted him so badly. ‘Gary… please.’ I said when he gave my little kisses down my belly. ‘what?’ he rested his chin just above my belly button looking deep into my eyes. ‘what do you want Eve?’ ‘You.’ I said moaning softly. ‘where?’ ‘inside me.’ And with that said he slammed himself inside me filling me completely. I groaned loud by the feeling.  ‘Shit Gary! O my God!’ He moved quickly in and out filling me  entirely with every thrust. ‘Fuck Eve!’ Gary hissed against my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin. I could feel myself coming closer ‘Gary… I’m gonna c-‘ that’s it, I reached my orgasm when Gary shoot his liquids inside of me. ‘Jesus, fuck Eve, fuck.’ He groaned when he collapsed on top of me. His sweaty body sticking to mine. ‘I love you Gary.’ I said lifting his head up and kissing him softly. ‘mmh’ he said rolling over to the side next to me. I looked at him, exhausted and almost asleep already. ‘Goodnight Gaz.’ I moved my arm across his chest resting my head on his shoulder.  Fast asleep, at last.

I woke up by the sound of the doorbell. I looked at Gary, ‘Mmpff.. don’t answer babe. I’m still tired.’ He said pulling the duvets further over his head. He looked so damn cute when he was still half asleep. The doorbell rang again. ‘But Gary, what if it’s Rob?’ I asked lying down again. ‘He won’t come till tonight. It’s probably the paper boy wanting money for God knows what reason. Go to sleep, what time is it anyway?’ ‘it’s 9 in the morning.’ ‘mmm, when do you start?’ ‘eleven.’ I said playing with his hair, twisting it around my finger.  ‘Would you stop doing that?’ ‘no.’ I said running my other hand as well through his hair. ‘Not until I cut it.’ ‘You’re not going to cut it.’ He said moving his head away in his pillow like a little kid.

Two hours later I was in class teaching kids stuff about English poetry, they didn’t seem to pay attention at all. Great I thought. Boring day, annoying kids, I wanna go home and snuggle up with Gaz. ‘Miss?’ Caroline asked. ‘Yeah what’s wrong?’ ‘Is it true that you have a boyfriend?’ The whole class was silent all of a sudden. ‘Err… yes that’s true.’ I said a little confused. ‘Is it also true that it’s Gary Barlow?’ my head became red, shit how did they know? I laughed in response. ‘Haha why would you think that?’ I responded avoiding the point. The door slammed open. ‘YES KIDS THAT’S TRUE!’ Gary walked in grinning from ear to ear. O great, now that’s awkward. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. ‘Now what are you guys learning?’ Gary just stood there in front of a bunch seventeen year-olds acting like he did it all his life. No one responded, they just stared at him in disbelief. 

‘Now come on, you must learn something…’ ‘Yes, she just taught us something about poetry.’ Caroline said with a red head. ‘O well, I like that. What about writing a song with each other? Do you have an upcoming event or something?’ He walked through the classroom making gestures with his arms. God he was so excited all of a sudden, what was he up to? ‘Well, mrs. Morgan sang at the autumn party last year.’ O SHIT, shit, shit now I’m fucked. Gary looked back at me. ‘Is that right?! I didn’t knew that.’ ‘O she is really good though, maybe even better than you are.’ The kids started laughing loud. Okay no this is really getting awkward. ‘Oh really? well I wanna hear that!’ Gary looked at me cheekily. ‘I think it’s time for mr. Barlow to go home now…’ I said giggling. I grabbed his arm and walked him out of the classroom. ‘OEh they’re going to make out, come on guys let’s follow them!’   I dragged Gary into some kind of little room with cleaning stuff closing the door behind me. ‘Hi beautiful.’ Gary said resting his hands on my hips. ‘Why are you here? I’m working Gaz.’ ‘I missed you.’ He said giving little kisses from my cheek down to my neck. ‘WHERE ARE THEY? I CAN’T FIND THEM!’ I heard someone say close to the door. ‘Gaz I have to return to my class, just a few hours then I’ll be back home okay?’ ‘mmm, too long.’ He murmured against my neck unbuttoning my shirt. O FUCK…

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