zaterdag 19 januari 2013

Chapter 18

Okay guys, here's chapter 18 for you! Thanks for reading all! 
Feedback is always welcome @GBrulestheworld !

There was a silent for a few minutes. Gary just sat next to me on the bed holding my hand looking out the window. What if I’m pregnant? Shit how could that even be possible? I don’t forget to take the pill like, ever. Okay it’s not 100 % security but the other 99,9 % must be enough… ‘What are we gonna do now?’ I asked shyly. Gary turned his face towards mine, his mouth shaking a little. ‘Well… I think we,… we should go to the hospital…’ ‘The hospital?!’ ‘yes Eve….’ ‘But Gary we can just buy a test…’ ‘I don’t trust those test, we’re going to the hospital…’ he stood up grabbing his jacket from the seat at the other side of the room. ‘Are we going like right now?’ I said confused. ‘the sooner the better right?’ he walked towards me and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. ‘But Gary we need a referral from the general practitioner first before we can go to the hospital…’ ‘I don’t care about that, they can make an exception…’

Fifteen minutes later we were driving towards the hospital. I just sat there looking out of the side window. A million questions were running through my mind, What if I am pregnant?.. do I even want this baby? Does Gary want this baby? O my God, this could not be happening. I loved Gary, I did, more than anyone else I’ve ever known. But a baby? Right now? We’ve only just met a few months ago… ‘Eve? ‘ Gary shook my hand bringing me back to reality. ‘Sweetheart we’re here. You come?’ ‘yes I think so…’ we walked to the main entrance of the hospital, god I am nervous… Gary made an appointment and we had to wait a few minutes before we were called by some kind of doctor. ‘Hello, my name is dr. Daniels. Take a seat.’ He shook our hands and walked back to his own seat behind this enormous desk. ‘I understand that you want to take a pregnancy blood test?’ he said looking down on his paper. ‘err.. yes that’s right…’ I said looking at Gary who was still holding my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He smiled a little although I could see the concern in his eyes.

‘Okay, we will examine the samples and we will call you if we have the results. I think it won’t take longer than two days.  If you have any questions or anything just call okay?’ ‘Yes, we will thank you.’ Gary shook his hand after I did and we walked back to the car. He opened my door and I took my place letting out a sigh. ‘What’s wrong babe?’ Gary said taking his place behind the steering wheel. ‘I don’t know, I just don’t know what to think right now Gary… What if I am pregnant? I don’t even know if I want this baby, or if you want it. I mean we’ve only known each other for what? A couple of months? I just… I’m confused.’ I wanted to cry, like really cry. I couldn’t even stop it, tears were running down my cheeks and I placed my head in my hands. ‘he he, come here..’ Gary pulled his arms around me and rested my head on his chest. ‘shh, don’t cry babe… we will talk about it when we’re home okay?’

And so we did, we talked about it the rest of the day. But I was still confused, Gary said he want to keep it if I was actually pregnant. That was not my problem, cause I came to the conclusion that I wanted to keep it too. But my biggest concern was that we’ve only known each other and I was afraid that if something happened between us I would end up alone with his baby…  
I couldn’t sleep that night, I sat up straight and leaned my back against the headboard. I felt sick again, but not that I had to throw up or something. I was just feeling weird and dizzy. I looked down at Gary, his face was looking towards mine, I didn’t notice he was awake! ‘Go to sleep honey..’ he murmured pulling me down again. He wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. I could feel his calm breath against my neck. ‘Gary?...’ ‘mmm?’ ‘I love you…’ ‘I love you too Eve, now go to sleep, you look exhausted.’  He said kissing my neck softly…

The next morning I woke up by the sound of the telephone that was ringing  on the side of the bed. I wanted to grab it but Gary picked it up before I could even move… he was already dressed  and looked so hot like always. That black shirt really fitted him well… ‘Gary Barlow…’ (..) ‘uhu.. okay. Yes I understand. Yes we will… okay thank you. (..) bye!’  He placed the phone back in the charger and laid down beside me. ‘What did they say?’ I asked quietly as Gary kissed my shoulder between his words: ‘They. Said. That..’ he moved my shirt up and laid his head on my belly. ‘You two need rest…’

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