donderdag 24 januari 2013

Chapter 21

‘fuck Eve, jesus…’ Gary hissed dropping his head in the pillow. Oh my, can I really do this to him? He was so close now, but something in my head said that I had to it. Just before he came I let go and walked out the room. ‘Where the fuck are you going?!’ he screamed after me when he finished himself. I grabbed my clothes from the floor, pulled them on and went downstairs to the studio. Shit it was locked. Why did he always lock the door? It was like he had something secret inside there that he didn’t want to share with anybody. I should ask him about it someday…Suddenly I heard footsteps walking down the stairs, I turned around. It was Gary of course. I gave him a ‘take that bitch’ smile. He just shook his head while a huge grin appeared.  Thank God he wasn’t angry. ‘You want breakfast?’ he asked. ‘Ye, that would be nice…’ I walked after him to the kitchen when he halfway turned around. ‘I knew you would do that..’ he said grabbing my hips pulling me closer. He placed his mouth next to my ear whispering; ‘Too bad you were just too late…’ he kissed me behind my ear before walking into the kitchen. You got to be kidding me right? Oh great, my attempt failed. Now that will boost his ego. I will get him back…

*2 months later – November – *

‘Honey?... Sweetheart where are you?’ … ‘Ah here you are, you okay?’ Gary looked down at me, I was lying in bed reading some kind of boring magazine. ‘Yeah, I’m alright. Just a bit tired. You ready then?’ ‘Well what do you think?’ he spun around showing off his perfect fitting suit. I smiled ‘You look gorgeous you know that, idiot.’ ‘Oi, don’t call me an idiot you.’ He tapped my nose with his finger looking at me with his beautiful eyes. ‘You should go, you’re running late…’ ‘I don’t care, I don’t want to go to that stupid award ceremony. I’d rather stay here with you.’ He kissed me passionately for a moment holding my face in both his hands before pulling away again. ‘I’ll be back as quick as I can okay?’ ‘I know, now go you!’ I pushed him away from me urging him to leave. ‘Okay, okay I’m going…’ he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before walking out… Gosh I loved that man so much, I thought turning on the television.

They were nominated for three awards, I don’t even remember which ones actually. I believe it was best British group, best live act and best British single. Gary told me yesterday but I’d already forgotten. Half an hour later the ceremony begun, they showed some shots of the nominees including the boys. Mark, Howard, Jason and Robbie they looked all so excited, and then there was Gary. I could help but burst out in laughter. He sat there dropped down in his chair, looking as annoyed as you can get. I grabbed my phone to text him;

*You look terrible in that chair Gaz, act normal okay. x*

I returned my face to the tv, some interviewer asked a few questions to Rob. But It didn’t take long before Gary texted back.

*I can’t help it, miss you… xx*

Gary’s POV

‘So Gary, how do you think about it?’ I looked up to the interviewer standing infront of me all of a sudden. ‘I’m sorry, about what?’ I responded. ‘The new album, will it be the best album yet?’ ‘Uhh, yeah I think so, you never know what the people say right, but we have a good feeling we have..yeah..’ I grabbed my phone out of my pocket again expecting the guy to leave but he didn’t. ‘Important things?’ he asked. ‘Yeah, pretty much yeah…’ I grinned. ‘What’s so important then?’ Jesus this guy had guts, how did he dare ask me personal stuff. ‘That’s none of your business.’ I tried to say as straight as possible. ‘New girl?’ FUCK. ‘Well.. err..’ ‘So the rumors are true then?…’ the man said. ‘Why isn’t she with you?’ O come on, will this guy just leave, it’s really annoying me right now…  ‘Like I said before, it’s none of your business, now would you excuse me?’ I walked away searching for a peaceful room…

*Come save me Eve, this is horrible. X*

*O come on, just pick up the awards and go, it’s not that bad. X*

She was right, mm, I returned to the full crowded hall searching for my seat when I bumped into Rob. ‘Ye Gaz, just in time, we’ve won!’ ‘What? Which one?’ ‘FUCKING ALL OF THEM MATE.! Now come on we’ve gotta pick them up!’  he dragged me onto the stage while waving to the crowd. I did the same, shaking some people’s hands before we were handed over the three awards. Of course I had to speech… ‘Well err, thanks everyone that voted for us.. and err…This really is unbelievable….err..’ ‘O I’ll do it then, while Gary is somewhere else with his thoughts…ugh ugh…’ Rob winked at me before giving a hell of an amazing speech, thank God.
We walked of the stage back to our table. ‘Guys I’m going okay? I promised Eve to come back as soon as I can.’ ‘Ye sure, no problem mate. You go we’ll finish this.’ Howard gave me a peck on my back before I walked out searching for a taxi…

Eve’s POV

It was a quarter to eleven when I heard the front door being opened. Well that’s quick I thought sitting up straight leaning my back against the headboard. I took my glass from the table next to me and took a sip of the cold water while Gary opened the bedroom door. ‘Hey you…’ I said while I watched him taking off his jacket and shirt. ‘Won anything then?’ ‘mm, yeah all three…’ he responded like it was the most normal case in the world. ‘Well that’s amazing Gary! Congratz !’ ‘Yeah thanks…’ he said before slipping under the duvets next to me. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked while I moved my arm around him resting my head on his chest. ‘Nothing, I’m just thinking…’ he said while his fingers draw circles on my back. ‘About what?’ ‘You.’ He lifted my head kissing me softly with his warm lips while he pulled his other arm around my back as well. I giggled pulling away. ‘What?!’’ he asked looking at me confused.  ‘Nothing you’re just cute…’ ‘cute? Oh really? I didn’t knew that…’ he started tickling me on my back making me jump. ‘GARY! Stop it!’ I was so weak when someone tickled me and he fucking knew it. I rolled over my side pulling my legs up to my chin hoping he’ll stop. ‘You crazy woman, you.’ He said when he finally stopped tickling. ‘I love you so much.’ he said before kissing me again, resting his left hand on my belly while the other one was holding my face… 

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