zondag 6 januari 2013

Chapter 2

‘h-ii, I’m Evelyn’ I said staring in his eyes.  ‘Well Evelyn, guess I will keep you company then while your
friend  isn’t coming anymore.’ He laughed looking at me.  ‘yeah I would like that very much’. Woah where did that come from? Am I actually talking to THE Gary Barlow? Guess so, okay Evelyn stay calm
You can’t fuck this up right now. Gary ordered himself another glass of red and turned to me.

We started talking about lots of things, you know just the usual stuff,  to get to know each other better. I noticed he was shuffling on his seat, was he nervous? OMG he was, when I looked at him his faced turned bright red.  I knew he was single, I read it in the gossip papers. He broke up with his girlfriend like a year ago and everyone was questioning themselves if he hadn’t found someone else. I didn’t asked him about that, I thought it might be too personal to ask on a first date, WHAT?! Was this actually a date? Well it seemed like on though…

It was really nice talking to him, although I couldn’t really focus on all the things he said just because of that gorgeous body of his. My thoughts were dreaming of a little bit, what would he do if I lay my hand on his? He had his hand placed on the table just next to his glass of red wine…
Shall I do it? NO Evelyn don’t do it, you’re not flirting with him. You’ve only known the man for an hour. O Fuck it I thought and I slowly moved my hand to his. He was talking about Robbie coming back to the band when he suddenly stopped. He looked at my hand that touched his fingers.
O shit Evelyn now you’ve messed it up, what were you thinking in the first place? He didn’t say anything he just grinned.

 ‘I really like you Evelyn’ he said his eyes dropped down.  He’s so shy, I just smiled at him. God keep yourself together Evelyn, the man can have any woman he wants he doesn’t really like you. But I didn’t care, I was just enjoying the moment too much. ‘I like you to Gary, very much.’ And with that he stood up, taking my hand by surprise. ‘would you like to come over for a drink at my place?’ he asked. Evelyn stop it, what would he think of you? He is probably thinking you’re an easy target. Say that you have to go home and you’ll see each other another time. All he wants is sex Evelyn don’t go with him for God’s sake! ‘Yes, I would like that very much.’ I said turning red like a tomato. 

We walked out of the restaurant to his car. Which was parked a few minutes from the restaurant so no one would notice him. As we arrived he opened the door for me, I stepped in with a huge smile. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. A few seconds later he took his place in the driver’s seat.  He turned his face to me, ‘Evelyn I really like you and I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage of you or something… ‘ ‘it’s okay’’ I said, ‘’I really like to go for a drink at your place Gary.’’  
‘’you sure? Do you think you can take it?’’  what is he talking about? ‘do you think you can take it’ what was he up to… ‘’w-what do you mean with that?’’ I asked when he drove off. ‘’o nothing you’ll see…’’

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