zaterdag 12 januari 2013

Chapter 14

I woke up in the morning, Gary’s arms around my waist, he was still sleeping. I turned around to face him sliding my hand up and down his cheek till he slowly opened his eyes. ‘Hi beautiful.’ He murmured.  I smiled, I still couldn’t believe that he actually loved me. Cause he did, he told me every hour. ‘Still tired?’ I asked. ‘mm yeah a bit, what time is it?’ I looked at Gary’s watch on his side of the bed, climbing over him. ‘pff, you’re so heavy…’ ‘I AM NOT!’ I slapped him in the face, not to hard ofcourse, just to tease him. ‘it’s 10 o’clock in the morning.’ ‘WHAT?! Shit Eve, I should be at the studio right now. Fuck.’ He jumped out of bed, still naked searching for his clothes. ‘But I thought you had a few days off?’ I asked quickly while I watched him pulling a hoody over his head. ‘I’m sorry babe, but they asked me for some interviews and stuff, and I really have to go because there’s a lot of bullshit talking in the media now.’  ‘B-but what are they talking about then?’ 

Gary rushed into the bathroom and I heard some things fall on the ground. ‘Gary, be careful!’  I walked towards the bathroom, leaning my shoulder against the doorway. ‘Gary, what are they talking about?’ I asked again. He let out a sigh, ‘They think that Robbie and I want to go on with just the two of us…’  ‘b-but why would they think that?’ I really didn’t’ t understand what he was talking about, everything seemed fine in the band in the times that I joined them in their studio. ‘I’m sorry honey, I’ll explain it all later okay? I really have to go now.’ He gave me quick kiss and ran down the stairs. ‘But Gary wait!’ I heard the front door closing, he was gone, again.

30 minutes later I was making breakfast for myself in the kitchen with the radio on. What is this shit? I thought by myself switching the radio to another channel. ‘And now we have a guest with us, it’s Gary Barlow ladies and gentleman!’  ‘Hiya mate!’ how’re you doing?’ I heard Gary’s voice say. I turned the volume a little bit louder while I continued with my breakfast. ‘So what’s all this stuff about with you and Robbie?’ I dropped my slice of vegetables and listened carefully. ‘Yeah, well that’s why I came here for. The media is all saying that Robbie and I want to step out of the band and go on with just the two of us. I just want to make this clear to all of our fans and everyone that it’s not true. I don’t know where it’s coming from but we never spoke a word about that.’ I took a sip of my tea. Was it just about that? But that’s nothing serious, I thought Robbie said something about Gaz or something. 

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I walked towards the continuing sound and opened it. Robbie was standing there, all out of breath, sweaty, his hands on his knees and his face looking at me. ‘Robbie?! What are you doing here? Gary is at the radio station…’ ‘I know, I know.’ He said still out of breath. ‘Can I come in please?’ he asked. What the hell did he want? I thought by myself. ‘Yeah sure, come on in. You want something to drink?’ ‘Yeah some water would be nice, thanks.’ I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cabinet. ‘Here you go.’ ‘Thanks Evelyn.’ He said taking a sip. ‘So what brings you here then?’ I asked after he finished his glass.‘Well you need to do something for me…’  he looked me in the eyes, Gosh he could hypnotize me with those eyes of him. But I preferred Gary’s a lot more. His eyes where always peaceful. If you looked at them it would calm you down wherever state you were in, angry or sad. ‘So you’ll do it?’ I was brought back to reality by Robbie’s voice. ‘I-I do what?’ ‘Convince Gary to join me?’  What the hell was he talking about?! ‘I’m sorry Robbie I didn’t really listened can you explain it again?’ ‘I asked you if you want to convince Gary to join me.’ ‘But why? And with what Robbie?’ ‘Because I want us to do an album together and a tour and stuff without Howard, Mark and Jason. Just the two of us. And now he’s telling the whole world that we didn’t spoke about that.’  I was shocked by his words. ‘But you didn’t spoke about that Gary said.’ ‘We do! We do it all the time! And he wants it as well!’ 

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